South Korea

Why North Korea wants an arms control deal with the United States
Why North Korea wants an arms control deal with the United States
North Korea held its 8th Congress of the ruling Workers’ Party last week to set the country’s political and economic trajectory for the coming years after an uncertain 2020. One…
When China lashed out
When China lashed out
On the wintry night of 27 November 1950, Chinese troops suddenly descended upon the US 1st Marine Division and the 31st Regimental Combat Team around the frozen Chosin Reservoir,…
Beijing’s bad books: Australia can learn from Norway and South Korea
Beijing’s bad books: Australia can learn from Norway and South Korea
The latest complaints from China against Australia, neatly bundled into a series of 14 perceived disputes, makes painfully clear how ties between the two countries…
Leading by example: Two different responses to China’s rise
Leading by example: Two different responses to China’s rise
Australia and the Republic of Korea (ROK or South Korea) stand as critical security partners with the United States, and have supported the open, rules-based international order…
Coming soon: A neutral South Korea?
Coming soon: A neutral South Korea?
Around five years ago, I submitted an article to a leading strategic studies journal detailing how options previously considered extreme – such as abandoning the US alliance,…
How South Koreans view the prospect of a Trump re-election
How South Koreans view the prospect of a Trump re-election
US President Donald Trump has repeatedly claimed that allies do not pay enough for the American military presence in their country, reportedly suggesting South Korea (among others…
A Biden presidency and the US–South Korea alliance
A Biden presidency and the US–South Korea alliance
US presidential candidate Joe Biden, leading in most polls more than two months before the November election, is cautiously expected to win office. On foreign policy, his plan has…
Where next for MIKTA?
Where next for MIKTA?
After seven years, the informal middle power partnership bringing together Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, Turkey and Australia (MIKTA), has achieved less than optimists…
US–South Korea: Working group blues
US–South Korea: Working group blues
South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in’s appointment of new national security advisers has attracted attention, given their pro-détente stance in spite of North Korea’s latest…
Moon’s North Korea vision up in smoke? Not so fast …
Moon’s North Korea vision up in smoke? Not so fast …
North Korea’s demolition of the inter-Korean liaison office in Kaesong on 16 June sent a powerful visual message to the world that North-South relations were degrading. But…