Southeast Asia

Resource nationalism in post-boom Indonesia: The new normal?
Resource nationalism in post-boom Indonesia: The new normal?
Most observers expected resource nationalism in Indonesia to fade once the global commodity boom ended. Yet despite more difficult economic circumstances, Indonesia’s government…
Suu Kyi’s Myanmar, one year on
Suu Kyi’s Myanmar, one year on
Twelve months ago, Aung San Suu Kyi was appointed State Counsellor of Myanmar, becoming the de facto leader of the National League for Democracy (NLD) Government that swept to…
Indonesia di Laut Cina Selatan: Berjalan sendiri
Indonesia di Laut Cina Selatan: Berjalan sendiri
Selagi Indonesia di bawah pimpinan Jokowi dapat diharapkan terus mengambil langkah unilateral untuk memperkuat posisi Indonesia di sekitar Kepulauan Natuna, Jokowi belum memainkan…
Myanmar and Aung San: The resurrection of an icon
Myanmar and Aung San: The resurrection of an icon
In this post on The Interpreter, Andray Abrahamian recently drew attention to the Myanmar government’s decision to name a bridge in southern Mon State after the country’s national…
Don’t waste time trying to get Trump to Manila
Don’t waste time trying to get Trump to Manila
Over the last two months, Australian and Southeast Asian officials have been urging their US counterparts to ensure President Donald Trump shows up at two major summits in…
Infrastructure: How Indonesia could shift up a gear
Infrastructure: How Indonesia could shift up a gear
Next year Indonesia will host the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank in Nusa Dua, Bali. This is a big deal: these meetings leave Washington only…
Can Indonesia take on Freeport?
Can Indonesia take on Freeport?
Originally published in the East Asia Forum. Matthew Busch
Why aren’t Australia and Vietnam strategic partners?
Why aren’t Australia and Vietnam strategic partners?
The election of Donald Trump as US president has increased strategic uncertainty about the leadership role of the US as the 'indispensable power' in the Indo-Pacific. One obvious…
A new chapter in Thailand’s plagued politics?
A new chapter in Thailand’s plagued politics?
It has been almost three years since Thailand’s military seized power in a coup d’état, ending yet another period of political division and violent street protests. In May 2014,…
The Rohingya tragedy: Time to talk to the Tatmadaw
The Rohingya tragedy: Time to talk to the Tatmadaw
Rakhine State is the home of Myanmar's Rohingya Muslims, a group often described as one of the most persecuted minorities in the world. Traveling through this region is an…