Southeast Asia

Fairness not the meat in Joko Widodo deal
Fairness not the meat in Joko Widodo deal
More than anything, President Joko Widodo's brief recent visit to Australia showcased a warm, personal rapport between him and Malcolm Turnbull, and the Prime Minister is to be…
Democracy in Indonesia: A cause for celebration
Democracy in Indonesia: A cause for celebration
Prior to Indonesia holding 101 local elections across the nation, Islamic leaders and the National Police publicly urged citizens to stay united. National Police Chief General…
U Ko Ni's assassination a symptom of deepening divisions in Myanmar
U Ko Ni's assassination a symptom of deepening divisions in Myanmar
A day after the assassination of U Ko Ni, the long-serving adviser to Aung San Suu Kyi and tireless champion for the rule of law and an inclusive, democratic Myanmar, outside…
Malaysia's Rohingya aid flotilla: Activism for its own sake
Malaysia's Rohingya aid flotilla: Activism for its own sake
For several years, Malaysian religious and human rights organisations, often claiming support from the 100,000+ Rohingya Muslim community in the country, have rebuked Prime…
Laos: Playing to win in Mekong hydropower game
Laos: Playing to win in Mekong hydropower game
At a time of deep concern about the ecological future of the Mekong River (declining fish stocks, reduced water and sedimentation flows, and destructive saltwater incursion into…
Jakarta steers its own course
Jakarta steers its own course
Aaron L. Connelly writes in The Australian Financial Review on Indonesia's tough stance on its territorial waters. Aaron L Connelly
In Vietnam, Castro receives his dues
In Vietnam, Castro receives his dues
Vietnam is to hold a national day of mourning for Fidel Castro this Sunday, 4 December. Even now the old comrade commands respect in Vietnam. The country has been…
Islamic civil society’s enduring vitality in Indonesia's democracy
Islamic civil society’s enduring vitality in Indonesia's democracy
Around 30,000 people attended an interfaith rally organised by the military at Jakarta’s national monument this week, asserting Indonesian peace and unity through group prayer,…
High hopes and a big let-down: Vietnam and the TPP
High hopes and a big let-down: Vietnam and the TPP
Vietnam was thought to be a big winner from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). As such, US President-elect Donald Trump's promise to withdraw from the deal is obviously bad news…
Laos dams bad news for those downriver on the Mekong
Laos dams bad news for those downriver on the Mekong
A few days after Donald Trump's stunning election victory, a potentially bigger story broke for the millions who depend on the Mekong river for their food and livelihood: Laos…