
Taiwan’s small-power diplomacy
Taiwan’s small-power diplomacy
Since 1971, when the United Nations General Assembly passed Resolution 2758 and recognised the People’s Republic of China as “the only legitimate representatives of…
Taiwan and Australia’s refugee treatment deal
Taiwan and Australia’s refugee treatment deal
Last month, a secret deal was revealed between Taiwan and Australia to send asylum seekers from Nauru to Taiwan for medical treatment. In Australia, the news…
US Navy sails into Taiwan sunset
US Navy sails into Taiwan sunset
It’s inevitable that, when the US sails warships through the Taiwan Strait, it will be interpreted as a broader diplomatic statement or even a protest – in this case, perhaps…
Name shame: China’s trouble with Taiwan
Name shame: China’s trouble with Taiwan
Beijing’s campaign to isolate Taiwan may be having unintended consequences that work in Taipei’s favour. Rather than weakening Taiwan’s ties with the world, China’s actions seem…
Taiwan: Tsai Ing-wen at the halfway mark
Taiwan: Tsai Ing-wen at the halfway mark
Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen has reached the halfway mark of her first term in office, with mixed results. At home, Tsai has sought to boost feeble economic growth and prevent…
The language of cross-strait tensions
The language of cross-strait tensions
The video, titled “God of War”, runs for almost four minutes and features the usual propaganda claims and military posturing expected from a video released by the China’s People’s…
Cross-strait tensions rising, but Chinese aircraft carrier poses no threat
Cross-strait tensions rising, but Chinese aircraft carrier poses no threat
Measured in terms of Chinese rhetoric, the temperature of cross-strait relations has risen sharply this week. Addressing China’s National People’s Congress, President Xi Jinping…
Taiwan and its South Pacific allies
Taiwan and its South Pacific allies
With fleeting news coverage, President Tsai Ing-wen of the Republic of China last month concluded official visits to Marshall Islands, Solomon Islands and Tuvalu, three…
How America can build a durable military balance in Asia
How America can build a durable military balance in Asia
During his tour of East Asia last month, US President Donald Trump visited five countries, but Americans could be forgiven for thinking that he only went to China, given the US…
Pacific island links: PNG politics, Ambae, Tsai’s visit and more
Pacific island links: PNG politics, Ambae, Tsai’s visit and more
By Euan Moyle, an intern in the Lowy Institute's Pacific Islands Program. Sam Basil, leader of the Pangu Pati, has been appointed a Minister for Communications, Information…