
Byte-sized diplomacy: Countering digital foreign interference
Byte-sized diplomacy: Countering digital foreign interference
Got a big question on technology and security for “Byte-sized Diplomacy”. Send it through here.Last week, US intelligence agencies confirmed Iran was behind a hack of Donald Trump…
Beijing’s Baltic confession exposes undersea vulnerability
Beijing’s Baltic confession exposes undersea vulnerability
China has finally acknowledged that the Hong Kong-flagged ship NewNew Polar Bear was responsible for damaging critical undersea infrastructure in the Baltic Sea. The…
Byte-sized diplomacy: Will governments ever reign in Big Tech?
Byte-sized diplomacy: Will governments ever reign in Big Tech?
Got a big question on technology and security for “Byte-sized Diplomacy”. Send it through here.In my work, I often get the question: can governments really do anything to limit…
Olympics doping controversies show global bio governance failures
Olympics doping controversies show global bio governance failures
It is tempting to see doping controversies at the Olympics as a challenge unique to sports governance. After all, few workplaces or life moments require performance enhancing drug…
Mission possible: Making the most of Australia-India cooperation on critical minerals
Mission possible: Making the most of Australia-India cooperation on critical minerals
Critical minerals – lithium, cobalt, copper, and other rare earths – have rising importance worldwide as the building blocks of the digital age and the transition to renewable and…
Charging up: Europe’s bid for renewable energy independence
Charging up: Europe’s bid for renewable energy independence
Last week saw another step-change in the global lithium market. The ultimate destination is more independence from China in the production of this critical mineral, the “white…
Australia’s big tech defence cloud: Too big to fail?
Australia’s big tech defence cloud: Too big to fail?
In a world where digital infrastructure underpins modern military capabilities, the Australian Signals Directorate’s (ASD) recent partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to…
Byte-sized diplomacy: Lessons from when the computer says no
Byte-sized diplomacy: Lessons from when the computer says no
Got a big question on technology and security for “Byte-sized Diplomacy”. Send it through here.How did something as simple as a software update cause global chaos and what…
Critical minerals, critical decisions
Critical minerals, critical decisions
When we think of the renewable energy transition, we don’t typically associate it with inequality, human rights violations, and environmental destruction.Yet the reality is, as…
Japan’s 5G ambitions with the Quad
Japan’s 5G ambitions with the Quad
Japan appears to be using the Quad to pursue its ambitions to promote domestic 5G network players.5G, or “advanced telecommunications” and “critical and emerging technology” in…