The Trump Presidency

Trump breathes fire but the UN is safe
Trump breathes fire but the UN is safe
Thirteen post-war US presidents have addressed the UN General Assembly, from Truman to Obama, from Kennedy to Reagan, but Tuesday's address from Donald Trump will surely enter the…
All eyes on Trump’s United Nations debut
All eyes on Trump’s United Nations debut
President Trump’s first visit to the UN General Assembly this week will indicate whether he intends to promote America’s global engagement or double down on America first. In the…
How Trump’s new approach to Pakistan might pan out
How Trump’s new approach to Pakistan might pan out
Perhaps the most notable part of President Trump's new Afghanistan 'strategy' is its treatment of Pakistan, with Trump saying out loud what was once largely debated and threatened…
Trump’s Afghanistan policy: Best in 16 years
Trump’s Afghanistan policy: Best in 16 years
Part One of this series looked at what President Trump’s recent Afghanistan policy announcement told us about the President and his administration. This post examines the policy…
Trump’s Afghanistan speech: The beginning of coherence?
Trump’s Afghanistan speech: The beginning of coherence?
President Trump's long-awaited announcement on Afghanistan earlier this week probably told us more about the man himself than it did about his policy. This two-part series will…
The post-Bannon White House will still be tough on China
The post-Bannon White House will still be tough on China
Chief Strategist Steve Bannon's dismissal from the White House last week removes one of the most hawkish voices on China within the Trump Administration. But his departure won't…
FDR's Message to Charlottesville – and to Donald Trump
FDR's Message to Charlottesville – and to Donald Trump
Originally published in The Atlantic. Michael Fullilove
This week, it’s Trump the conventional Republican hawk
This week, it’s Trump the conventional Republican hawk
The task of those who will determine, at some later stage in the 45th US president’s tenure, what exactly constitutes the ‘Trump Doctrine’ may have become easier this week. …
What the US would need to deter China
What the US would need to deter China
I am reassured to see from Ely Ratner's most recent post in our exchange on US-China relations and the South China Sea how much he and I agree about, because I have such a high…
The increasingly fragile Iran nuclear deal
The increasingly fragile Iran nuclear deal
In an interview with the Wall Street Journal last month, US President Donald Trump called into question Washington’s continue support of the landmark 2015 nuclear deal with Iran…