The Trump Presidency

Comey’s testimony just the beginning
Comey’s testimony just the beginning
Within days of marking his 100th day in office, President Donald Trump heard the word ‘impeachment’ uttered on the floor of the House of Representatives, courtesy of Rep. Al Green…
Trump has compromised climate security strategies
Trump has compromised climate security strategies
Much has been said about the global environmental, economic and leadership consequences of US President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement but…
General Mattis: The hope of the side
General Mattis: The hope of the side
It’s the topic du jour. How far will the US withdrawal go and how will it affect the US-led, rules-based, global order that has served the world so well for 70 years? US…
AUSMIN: Regional issues deserve top billing
AUSMIN: Regional issues deserve top billing
Today’s AUSMIN could hardly be better timed, following recent terrorist attacks, North Korean nuclear provocations, and the weekend’s Shangri-La dialogue.  But, as is so…
America sidelined, the climate caravan moves on
America sidelined, the climate caravan moves on
It's been only a few days since US President Donald Trump announced the US will withdraw from the Paris climate agreement. And it is already clear the greatest damage has been…
Putin’s Trump-supported hybrid war on the West
Putin’s Trump-supported hybrid war on the West
It needs to be understood that Russia views the EU and the West generally as an enemy. To say this is not Russophobia. It has been made clear in countless official Russian…
Vietnam’s free trade pitch to the US
Vietnam’s free trade pitch to the US
It was trade, not China's manoeuvring in the South China Sea, that was top of the agenda when Vietnam’s Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc met US President Donald Trump on Wednesday…
Angela Merkel declares independence, sort of
Angela Merkel declares independence, sort of
German Chancellor Angela Merkel might have just told the Frankfurt beer hall crowd earlier this week that 'The times in which we could completely depend on others are on the way…
Is the US economy at full employment?
Is the US economy at full employment?
After the painfully slow recovery from the 2008 great Recession, US unemployment is now 4.4%, well below the level commonly regarded as 'full employment'. This would suggest that…
Trump's hollow strategy in the Middle East
Trump's hollow strategy in the Middle East
Originally published in the Australian Financial Review (Photo: Flickr/The White House) Rodger Shanahan