United States

What Australia needs to ask itself about the United States
What Australia needs to ask itself about the United States
The Australian and American debates about China’s rise have followed similar trajectories, but differ in at least one key way. Australia’s hinges, in part, on whether it can trust…
How to save the Summit for Democracy
How to save the Summit for Democracy
The future of US democracy seemed in the balance when, in mid-2019, candidate Joe Biden promised to host a “Summit for Democracy” within his first year office. His win didn’t…
AUKUS? Quad? FOIP? A fragmented approach cannot counter China
AUKUS? Quad? FOIP? A fragmented approach cannot counter China
Although a substantive movement has developed aiming to contain China ­– AUKUS being only the most recent example, adding to the reconstituted Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, or…
Economic diplomacy: Los Angeles port pips China as Christmas grinch
Economic diplomacy: Los Angeles port pips China as Christmas grinch
Delivery guy When Joe Biden first elevated “something called supply chains” to the global bully pulpit of a White House press briefing back in February it wasn’t hard to guess…
US-China: tiers of cohabitation
US-China: tiers of cohabitation
As strategic tensions between the United States and China calcify so too does the conclusion that they have entered into “a new Cold War”. Indeed, the strenuousness with which…
Europe’s time to find its superpower
Europe’s time to find its superpower
Constantinople, the capital of ancient Byzantium, was dominated by a statue of Emperor Justinian. Legend has it that Justinian’s hand was lifted to the East to ward off…
America’s doughnut shaped Indo-Pacific strategy
America’s doughnut shaped Indo-Pacific strategy
With the exception of India, the common thread linking the United States’ Indo-Pacific and broader China strategy so far has been the rallying of long-standing US allies. …
The Director’s Chair: Bob Zoellick on the World Bank, China, and the Republican Party
The Director’s Chair: Bob Zoellick on the World Bank, China, and the Republican Party
In this episode of The Director’s Chair, Michael Fullilove speaks with the long-time public official, policymaker, and former President of the World Bank, Robert Zoellick
AUKUS: Why Beijing didn’t go ballistic
AUKUS: Why Beijing didn’t go ballistic
China was expected to be furious about the recently signed AUKUS security pact. After all, it is generally believed that the deal to provide Australia with technology to build…
Biden has patience for the age
Biden has patience for the age
In the 2021 Lowy Institute Poll nearly seven out of 10 Australians expressed confidence in US President Joe Biden to do the right thing in world affairs. But this poll was taken…