United States

US-China rivalries: What matters for ASEAN
US-China rivalries: What matters for ASEAN
An interesting discussion about how Australia should respond to US President Joe Biden’s call for closer alignment and cooperation among democratic states has featured in a recent…
Can Biden’s Build Back Better World compete with the Belt and Road?
Can Biden’s Build Back Better World compete with the Belt and Road?
The announcement of the Build Back Better World (BW3) infrastructure and investment plan following the G7 summit last month has been greeted with scepticism by some who…
Ukraine: Balancing China and the rest
Ukraine: Balancing China and the rest
Ukraine is attempting to improve its relations with China after the nation’s authorities, allegedly pressured by the United States, decided to halt the takeover of a local…
Staying ahead in global tech leadership
Staying ahead in global tech leadership
On the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party, President Xi Jinping reiterated the longstanding Chinese goal of strengthening science and technology to help achieve…
Australia right to back Biden on democracy
Australia right to back Biden on democracy
Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s recent speech, “A world order that favours freedom”, has some foreign policy commentators worried that Australia is signing up to more misguided US…
The Director’s Chair: Matt Pottinger on his career, working for President Trump, China and COVID
The Director’s Chair: Matt Pottinger on his career, working for President Trump, China and COVID
In this episode of The Director’s Chair, Michael Fullilove speaks with the former US Deputy National Security Adviser, Matthew Pottinger.
Donald Rumsfeld: Defiance defined by Iraq
Donald Rumsfeld: Defiance defined by Iraq
The countless observations about the quips of Donald Rumsfeld, who has died aged 88, should not obscure his central role in the catastrophe of the 2003 Iraq invasion. “Known…
Hsinchu: Taiwan’s city at the centre of China’s conundrum
Hsinchu: Taiwan’s city at the centre of China’s conundrum
Centres of power such as Beijing, Washington and Taipei have generated most of the headlines as the Taiwan challenge gets ever hotter. But, while these cities clearly have plenty…
North Korea: The long-awaited fallout of summit diplomacy
North Korea: The long-awaited fallout of summit diplomacy
North Korea’s Kim Jong-un delivered an important speech last week during a meeting of the ruling Workers’ Party of Korea – the first substantive response from Pyongyang on the…
Believing Biden
Believing Biden
At the conclusion of US President Joe Biden’s one-week visit across the continent and to the United Kingdom, Europeans appear to believe in the need to push back against the…