United States

UN report on US killing of Iranian commander misses the mark
UN report on US killing of Iranian commander misses the mark
In the early hours of 3 January 2020, missiles fired from US drones killed ten people near Baghdad airport. Drone strikes by the US are almost commonplace these days, but what…
Pompeo’s Surreal Speech on China
Pompeo’s Surreal Speech on China
An ideological struggle is under way between Beijing and free societies, and the Trump administration is on the wrong side. Originally published in The Atlantic.
Five Eyes: Blurring the lines between intelligence and policy
Five Eyes: Blurring the lines between intelligence and policy
The public aura around the decades-old “Five Eyes” intelligence sharing partnership between Australia, the US, UK, Canada, New Zealand has expanded rapidly since the name was…
Why Australia hasn't given up on a rules-based world order
Why Australia hasn't given up on a rules-based world order
Putting 'negative globalism' talk aside, strategic shocks are forcing Canberra to think about an international system that can protect sovereignty and prevent great power conflict…
Who’s afraid of China’s big bad wolf warriors?
Who’s afraid of China’s big bad wolf warriors?
Originally published in The Australian.
Turkey: Not a team player
Turkey: Not a team player
Turkey is increasingly becoming the piece of the NATO puzzle that just won’t fit. President Recep Erdoğan’s particular brand of Turkish nationalist populism has earned him…
Australia lays down the law in the South China Sea dispute
Australia lays down the law in the South China Sea dispute
Australia has entered the renewed diplomatic fray about China’s maritime claims in the South China Sea, clarifying, if not entirely resolving, Canberra’s previously vague legal…
China’s catastrophic success: US strategic blunders fuel rivalry
China’s catastrophic success: US strategic blunders fuel rivalry
The Trump administration publicly identified China as a great power competitor in its November 2017 National Security Strategy. This followed the Obama administration’s…
Interesting times for TikTok
Interesting times for TikTok
From Delhi to Washington to Canberra, the future of the digital economy may be heavily influenced by how one question is answered: What to do about TikTok? The popular short…
Writing off Trump
Writing off Trump
A weekend Fox News interview with US President Donald Trump has won plenty of attention – mostly, it seems fair to assume, from people who don’t spend a lot of time watching Fox…