United States

For all its bluster, China knows Australia isn't merely doing the bidding of the US
For all its bluster, China knows Australia isn't merely doing the bidding of the US
There are signs that Beijing recognises Australia’s positions on Hong Kong, Taiwan and Xinjiang are based on its own interests. Originally published in The Guardian.
Young Australians turn from the US towards Asia. And it isn’t Trump
Young Australians turn from the US towards Asia. And it isn’t Trump
The recent 2020 Lowy Poll revealed that a mere 25% of young Australians aged 18–29 see the US-Australia alliance as “very important”. This is a stark contrast to the 43% across…
Book review: Superpower showdown
Book review: Superpower showdown
Book Review: Bob Davis and Lingling Wei, Superpower Showdown: How the Battle Between Trump and Xi Threatens a New Cold War (HarperCollins, 2020). Global relations are undergoing…
US–South Korea: Working group blues
US–South Korea: Working group blues
South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in’s appointment of new national security advisers has attracted attention, given their pro-détente stance in spite of North Korea’s latest…
Which side would the US public choose in an India-China conflict?
Which side would the US public choose in an India-China conflict?
The recent military standoff between India and China in the Galwan Valley raises a fascinating question about the attitudes of the American public towards Asia’s great powers. We…
Beijing hard-liners kick against Xi Jinping's wolf warrior diplomacy
Beijing hard-liners kick against Xi Jinping's wolf warrior diplomacy
Foreign policy hawks concede that current strategy is winning China no new friends. Originally published in the Nikkei Asian Review. 
American carnage, take two
American carnage, take two
With fewer than 100 days until the next election, US President Donald Trump has made it clear that he’s done with the coronavirus. Last week, he shifted his talking points to…
Western liberalism’s crisis is self-inflicted
Western liberalism’s crisis is self-inflicted
Originally published in The Australian.
Global Order in the Shadow of the Coronavirus: China, Russia and the West
Global Order in the Shadow of the Coronavirus: China, Russia and the West
It’s time to rethink global governance and its priorities
On China, the US speaks loudly but carries no stick
On China, the US speaks loudly but carries no stick
In recent weeks, the Trump administration has busily tried to smooth out what has been a fairly ragged Asia policy. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s speech at the…