United States

Russia makes its presence known in Iran crisis
Russia makes its presence known in Iran crisis
Recent revelations make it clear that Iran’s willingness to confront the US following the strike that killed Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani in Baghdad was not driven just by a mix of…
The Kurds are again caught in the crossfire, now between US and Iran
The Kurds are again caught in the crossfire, now between US and Iran
In the immediate aftermath of the Soleimani strike, Iran’s first act of retaliation was to launch 22 missiles against the US base at the Ain al-Assad airbase,…
Expect more hype, little progress on North Korea this year
Expect more hype, little progress on North Korea this year
Two years ago, US President Donald Trump agreed to negotiate with North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong-un, opening a wave of speculation, if not exuberance, that some kind of…
In Democratic debate, big distinctions but little difference
In Democratic debate, big distinctions but little difference
Last Tuesday night, six of the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates met on a debate stage in Des Moines, Iowa. This meeting was the final debate before the first-in-the-nation…
Trump walks away clean from Soleimani fallout
Trump walks away clean from Soleimani fallout
The US drone strike that killed Iranian General Qasem Soleimani dominated the political discussion in Washington last week. President Trump’s decision to target Soleimani – an…
Could Afghanistan be the stage for US-Iran conflict?
Could Afghanistan be the stage for US-Iran conflict?
The killing of top Iranian commander Qasem Soleimani in a US drone strike on 3 January in Baghdad has sparked fears of a regional war between Washington and Tehran…
Ending Iran’s regional ransom
Ending Iran’s regional ransom
Criticism of Donald Trump’s brazen assassination of Iranian Quds Force commander Qassim Soleimani has rightly focussed on the unprecedented nature of the killing and the…
North Korea’s ambiguous New Year message
North Korea’s ambiguous New Year message
Christmas and New Year came and went without a bang on the Korean peninsula, even though North Korea had warned of a “Christmas gift” for the United States and the horrendous…
“Maximum pressure” demands diplomatic off-ramps
“Maximum pressure” demands diplomatic off-ramps
With Donald Trump facing an impeachment trial in the Senate and a tough re-election battle, some US rivals see the president as politically weakened, risk-averse in exerting…
Trump’s unpredictability confounds his allies, and now his enemies
Trump’s unpredictability confounds his allies, and now his enemies
For a region where the security environment was already fragile, Donald Trump’s decision to kill the head of Iran’s Quds Force, along with a senior Iraqi militia leader, has…