United States

The sharp shift on Syria
The sharp shift on Syria
Just last week, much of Washington seemed to reach consensus on the direction of US policy in Syria. The Syria Study Group, a bipartisan committee convened by Congress to examine…
US shift on Syria puts Canberra in a bind
US shift on Syria puts Canberra in a bind
President Donald Trump’s style of on-the-run Syria policy has once again reared its head, although this time it has been done via press release rather than Twitter. The…
The decline of US global leadership: Power without authority
The decline of US global leadership: Power without authority
The US House of Representatives’ inquiry into grounds for impeaching Donald Trump is yet another indication of the massive erosion of the President’s domestic authority. His…
Democrats and impeachment: A leap of faith
Democrats and impeachment: A leap of faith
For 20 months, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi resisted calls for the impeachment of the President. The House Democratic leadership and many of its members adopted a defensive posture,…
Poles apart: The long shadow of US-China competition
Poles apart: The long shadow of US-China competition
From trade to cyber, from the South China Sea to outer space, strategic rivalry between the United States and China is shaping the international order. The polar regions seem no…
Impeachment will stabilise US foreign policy
Impeachment will stabilise US foreign policy
US President Donald Trump’s greatest impact will inevitably be felt in American domestic politics. He has dramatically changed the Republican Party and similarly radically changed…
Donald Trump's bizarre logic damages US allies' trust in intelligence sharing
Donald Trump's bizarre logic damages US allies' trust in intelligence sharing
The US president appears to believe Australian spies are part of a deep-state conspiracy. Australia should be wary of the risks of getting drawn into his defence. Originally…
Jumping at shadows: The great Aussie conspiracy to bring down Donald
Jumping at shadows: The great Aussie conspiracy to bring down Donald
It’s not just the phone ringing at the Lodge – Scott Morrison needs to keep an eye out for the postie, too. Because like Donald Trump before him, senior US Republican Senator…
An educated idealist is still a believer
An educated idealist is still a believer
Book review: The Education of an Idealist: A Memoir, by Samantha Power (Harper Collins 2019) Samantha Power, an Irish immigrant whose tenacity and intellect earned her a place at…
An impeachment drama intrudes on Trump’s three-act foreign policy
An impeachment drama intrudes on Trump’s three-act foreign policy
Nearly three quarters of the way through Donald Trump’s first term, the Democrats have launched impeachment proceedings against the President. Given that this is likely to gin up…