Greg Earl


Greg Earl was the deputy editor, opinion editor, national affairs editor and Asia Pacific editor of The Australian Financial Review. He spent more than a decade as reporter based in Jakarta, Tokyo and New York. He is a member of the Australia ASEAN Council board and the ANU Indonesia Project advisory board. He is researching a book about Australia and Asia.


Economic diplomacy: Asian investment, super tension & the WTO hot seat
Economic diplomacy: Asian investment, super tension & the WTO hot seat
World trade could be set to fall as much as 30% this year. Who is going to be in charge of fixing the problem?
Economic diplomacy: Mood shift afoot
Economic diplomacy: Mood shift afoot
Stung by the barley and meat export disputes with China, easy talk about diversifying export markets now gets real.
Economic diplomacy: Lifting the doona on a post-pandemic world
Economic diplomacy: Lifting the doona on a post-pandemic world
Australia can boast success in containing the virus. But its economy may still shrink more than other G20 nations.
Statesman Turnbull steps up: Secret letters, taming Trump, due credit
Statesman Turnbull steps up: Secret letters, taming Trump, due credit
Business with Donald, shared history with Xi and a Pacific ploy are revealing of the former PM’s foreign ambition.
Economic diplomacy: foreign investment under Covid, supply chain kinks
Economic diplomacy: foreign investment under Covid, supply chain kinks
Australia might worry about opportunistic takeover bids at home, but investment restrictions will hit the region more.
Economic diplomacy: Fighting global pandemics from the G20 to ASEAN
Economic diplomacy: Fighting global pandemics from the G20 to ASEAN
When the G2 idea still had currency, a pandemic might have seemed a potential moment for US-China cooperation
Economic diplomacy: Rising risks and missing links in a pandemic
Economic diplomacy: Rising risks and missing links in a pandemic
Covid-19 reveals a need for Australian exports beyond China, security plans for epidemics, and supply-chain smarts.
Economic diplomacy: Mahathir’s APEC gamble, and aid corruption
Economic diplomacy: Mahathir’s APEC gamble, and aid corruption
When is a loan not a loan, and should Australia really be propping up neighbours with a cash injection?
Economic diplomacy: Indonesian trade deals and real deals
Economic diplomacy: Indonesian trade deals and real deals
“Boats, beef, and Bali” seem bad words no more, and Jokowi and Morrison set out to strike a new tone.