Greg Earl


Greg Earl was the deputy editor, opinion editor, national affairs editor and Asia Pacific editor of The Australian Financial Review. He spent more than a decade as reporter based in Jakarta, Tokyo and New York. He is a member of the Australia ASEAN Council board and the ANU Indonesia Project advisory board. He is researching a book about Australia and Asia.


Economic diplomacy: Retro shopping beats the supply chain crisis
Economic diplomacy: Retro shopping beats the supply chain crisis
WWW Santa beware. The gift trade is still subject to the old-school padded tromp of shoe leather.
Economic diplomacy: Free trade vs economic resilience
Economic diplomacy: Free trade vs economic resilience
From Chinese iPhones to university classrooms, trade in services is being redefined.
Economic diplomacy: Remaking the Pacific house
Economic diplomacy: Remaking the Pacific house
Two new studies provide the building plans for Australia’s regional infrastructure boom.
Economic diplomacy: Supply chains, sanctions, and Telstra Pacific
Economic diplomacy: Supply chains, sanctions, and Telstra Pacific
From ports to productivity, the pandemic has only exposed longstanding economic resilience issues in Australia.
Economic diplomacy: Los Angeles port pips China as Christmas grinch
Economic diplomacy: Los Angeles port pips China as Christmas grinch
Amid an emerging global trade supply chain crisis, Australian economic policy advisers are more reserved about risks.
Economic diplomacy: Japan’s new PM joins the (supply) chain gang
Economic diplomacy: Japan’s new PM joins the (supply) chain gang
New research shows Australia may be an export diversification role model.
Economic diplomacy: After AUKUS in trade, aid and technology
Economic diplomacy: After AUKUS in trade, aid and technology
Commercial links may be China’s response to the submarine deal.
Economic diplomacy: Australia Inc’s new world order
Economic diplomacy: Australia Inc’s new world order
Is “China plus” the answer to fading US global hegemony?
Economic diplomacy: After Kabul, Australia looks to India
Economic diplomacy: After Kabul, Australia looks to India
Australia has a lower war-to-aid ratio, but the US is more transparent about its failure against the Taliban.