Greg Earl


Greg Earl was the deputy editor, opinion editor, national affairs editor and Asia Pacific editor of The Australian Financial Review. He spent more than a decade as reporter based in Jakarta, Tokyo and New York. He is a member of the Australia ASEAN Council board and the ANU Indonesia Project advisory board. He is researching a book about Australia and Asia.


Economic diplomacy brief: Free vs fair trade in Indonesia, RBA on iron ore, ageing Asia and more
Economic diplomacy brief: Free vs fair trade in Indonesia, RBA on iron ore, ageing Asia and more
This week's column also looks at the APEC sunshine effect in PNG and the future for Australia's services exports.
Economic diplomacy brief: Racing Asian innovation, one-Korea modelling and Indian trade deals
Economic diplomacy brief: Racing Asian innovation, one-Korea modelling and Indian trade deals
An Australia-India trade deal has gone from being almost a done deal to just one of many options.
Economic diplomacy brief: Who’s our biggest partner, Asian business capability, Globalisation 2.0
Economic diplomacy brief: Who’s our biggest partner, Asian business capability, Globalisation 2.0
A different angle on the US vs China economic partner debate, why private companies do better in Asia, and the new version of globalisation as per McKinsey's.
Economic diplomacy brief: Foreign policy split, ASEAN links and Japan commerce 60 years on
Economic diplomacy brief: Foreign policy split, ASEAN links and Japan commerce 60 years on
Relying on commercial ties to add ballast to bilateral diplomatic relations can quickly come undone if the deals start going wrong.
Abenomics loses some of its razzle-dazzle
Abenomics loses some of its razzle-dazzle
Domestic economic reform and constitutional reform should always have been two sides of the same coin.
Economic diplomacy brief: Intelligence Review, econocrats back RCEP, in thrall to China and more
Economic diplomacy brief: Intelligence Review, econocrats back RCEP, in thrall to China and more
Business has been called on to be a key player in an intriguing, new and more contestable approach to intelligence gathering and analysis.
Economic diplomacy brief: Trade deals keep flowing, doing business with China
Economic diplomacy brief: Trade deals keep flowing, doing business with China
While US policy has become more insular this year, other G20 countries are taking less protective new actions than in the recent past.
Economic diplomacy brief: Trade under pressure, betting on China, Japan and the AIIB, and more
Economic diplomacy brief: Trade under pressure, betting on China, Japan and the AIIB, and more
While freer trade appears to have more global support in polls than political debate might suggest, the same can’t be said for foreign investment.
Does Abe want to fast track constitutional reform?
Does Abe want to fast track constitutional reform?
Critics say the aggressive approach to the anti-conspiracy legislation underlines a creeping, somewhat authoritarian tone in the government.