Greg Earl


Greg Earl was the deputy editor, opinion editor, national affairs editor and Asia Pacific editor of The Australian Financial Review. He spent more than a decade as reporter based in Jakarta, Tokyo and New York. He is a member of the Australia ASEAN Council board and the ANU Indonesia Project advisory board. He is researching a book about Australia and Asia.


Economic diplomacy brief: Chinese investment, defending free trade and the TPP’s future
Economic diplomacy brief: Chinese investment, defending free trade and the TPP’s future
There is a parallel in how SOEs burst into the mining industry after 2007 and how new Chinese donors have burst into the political and university scene.
Economic diplomacy brief: TPP 11 vs RCEP, Asian banks and economic nationalism
Economic diplomacy brief: TPP 11 vs RCEP, Asian banks and economic nationalism
This week's column examines how the TPP 11 and RECP proposals could compete for attention ahead of Australia's summit of South East Asian leaders next year.
Economic diplomacy brief: Summit budgets and mixed messages from Australia’s foreign investment
Economic diplomacy brief: Summit budgets and mixed messages from Australia’s foreign investment
It’s easy to overlook an event that perhaps offers Turnbull his best shot at his own regional legacy this term – the summit of Southeast Asian leaders in Sydney next March.
Economic diplomacy brief: Supply chains in the robotic age, China’s foreign investment and more
Economic diplomacy brief: Supply chains in the robotic age, China’s foreign investment and more
This week's column examines some different views on global supply chains in the age of robotics, new figures on Chinese investment in Australia, and some unusual criticism of One…
Economic diplomacy brief: Corporate Australia puts its stamp on foreign policy
Economic diplomacy brief: Corporate Australia puts its stamp on foreign policy
Business group submissions for the Foreign Policy White Paper will provide the first big test of the Australian Government's 'economic diplomacy' rhetoric.
Economic diplomacy brief: Asian economic outlook, India relations, state investment and more
Economic diplomacy brief: Asian economic outlook, India relations, state investment and more
Trapped no longer: Asia's emerging economies given an out, Turnbull in India, and David Irvine take the reins at the FIRB,
Economic diplomacy brief: China’s world, infrastructure games and export success
Economic diplomacy brief: China’s world, infrastructure games and export success
US sides with EU against China in trade dispute; is China's one belt one road all it seems; and why it's good to work for an exporter, particularly a constant one.
Can economic and security analysts find a lingua franca?
Can economic and security analysts find a lingua franca?
The Foreign Policy White Paper will need to address the way economic and security analysts often talk past each other in the Australian policymaking space.
 Economic diplomacy brief: Asian infrastructure, Indonesian trade and Trump management
Economic diplomacy brief: Asian infrastructure, Indonesian trade and Trump management
China walks the talk on infrastructure spending, Chinese tourists overtake Australians in Bali, and two different views on Trump and the global economy.