Greg Earl


Greg Earl was the deputy editor, opinion editor, national affairs editor and Asia Pacific editor of The Australian Financial Review. He spent more than a decade as reporter based in Jakarta, Tokyo and New York. He is a member of the Australia ASEAN Council board and the ANU Indonesia Project advisory board. He is researching a book about Australia and Asia.


Economic diplomacy: Nation building at home and abroad
Economic diplomacy: Nation building at home and abroad
A jobs summit highlighted the challenges in crafting a foreign policy for the middle class and balanced development aid.
A new Marcos gets down to business
A new Marcos gets down to business
After an easy election win, the Philippine president is facing challenges at home and abroad.
Economic diplomacy: No free lunches for national security
Economic diplomacy: No free lunches for national security
New foreign investment rules, nuisance tariffs and supply chains are all under scrutiny by the Productivity Commission.
Economic diplomacy: The Pacific reset needs real commercial investment
Economic diplomacy: The Pacific reset needs real commercial investment
The language of geopolitics is trickling down to unexpected corners of the economy with wide-ranging long-term impact.
Economic diplomacy: The Pacific beats ASEAN for nervous investors
Economic diplomacy: The Pacific beats ASEAN for nervous investors
Abe Shinzo’s passing and the Timor oil spy case dismissal reveal new thinking about what national security means.
Economic diplomacy: Names trump numbers in the new BRI debt battle
Economic diplomacy: Names trump numbers in the new BRI debt battle
As G7 leaders talk up infrastructure spending, Australia’s Pacific family members contemplate how much they can take.
Economic diplomacy: New supply chains to Jakarta and beyond
Economic diplomacy: New supply chains to Jakarta and beyond
Business diversification is looking more positive in Indonesia but more confusing in the broader Indo-Pacific.
Economic diplomacy: New Labor ministers are facing up to old issues
Economic diplomacy: New Labor ministers are facing up to old issues
Reshaping policies on the Pacific, Indonesia and domestic manufacturing is already revealing a changing of the guard.
Looking for a little sizzle from the 2022 election campaign
Looking for a little sizzle from the 2022 election campaign
As one of the world’s oldest stable democracies, Australia can do better in its election foreign policy discussion.