Henry Storey


Henry Storey holds a Master of International Relations degree from Melbourne University. He currently works as a Senior Analyst, Asia at Dragoman and was formerly an editor at Foreign Brief and Young Australians in International Affairs. The views expressed are his own.

India doubles down on regional connectivity to counter China
India doubles down on regional connectivity to counter China
New Delhi has big advantages in its South Asia infrastructure push – even if outspending China isn’t one of them.
The downsides for Australia from the US‑PNG defence agreement
The downsides for Australia from the US‑PNG defence agreement
Sovereignty concerns about the American deal will create additional hurdles for Australia-PNG Defence Treaty currently under negotiation.
Better late than never: Vietnam releases 2021–30 power plan
Better late than never: Vietnam releases 2021–30 power plan
Just don’t expect coal to be out of the energy mix quite yet.
China to the rescue, with peace plans for Saudi, Iran, Russia, Ukraine and Afghanistan – up to a point
China to the rescue, with peace plans for Saudi, Iran, Russia, Ukraine and Afghanistan – up to a point
These diplomatic gambits all carry a message. But conflict resolution isn’t necessarily the main one.
India’s delicate dance with the Taliban
India’s delicate dance with the Taliban
With Afghanistan’s China pivot proving disappointing, the Islamist group is reprising its relationship with New Delhi.
Water scarcity challenges China’s development model
Water scarcity challenges China’s development model
With its industry and agriculture reliant on diminishing H2O, a crisis looms for the world’s most populous country.
Semut: Australia’s secret war against the Japanese in Borneo
Semut: Australia’s secret war against the Japanese in Borneo
A reconstruction of incomplete archives reveals one of Australia’s most audacious independent special forces operations.
Contingency plans: South Korea and cross-Strait security
Contingency plans: South Korea and cross-Strait security
Seoul’s new administration faces critical choices over Taiwan and its relationships with Washington and Beijing.
Why Australia shouldn’t put all its eggs in the Quad basket
Why Australia shouldn’t put all its eggs in the Quad basket
The regional security pact is yet to prove its worth. Options must be kept open, with minilaterals top of the list.