Henry Storey


Henry Storey holds a Master of International Relations degree from Melbourne University. He currently works as a Senior Analyst, Asia at Dragoman and was formerly an editor at Foreign Brief and Young Australians in International Affairs. The views expressed are his own.

China’s “common prosperity” is a Catch-22
China’s “common prosperity” is a Catch-22
A phenomenal housing glut in the Chinese market is eroding the country’s productivity and economic future.
Common prosperity meets the Belt and Road
Common prosperity meets the Belt and Road
Xi’s emphasis on the “real-economy” could also engender a qualitative shift in the types of investments Beijing makes.
Do Comprehensive Strategic Partnerships matter?
Do Comprehensive Strategic Partnerships matter?
Scott Morrison is an enthusiast. But Australia’s one with China proved little more than the proverbial “scrap of paper”.
America’s doughnut shaped Indo-Pacific strategy
America’s doughnut shaped Indo-Pacific strategy
As Washington’s pivot to Asia begins to take shape, showing up in person and walking the talk will be deal-breakers.  
China – a lonely superpower
China – a lonely superpower
Despite many countries having issues with the West, China has few obvious alliance candidates.
Can the US and China cooperate on climate?
Can the US and China cooperate on climate?
Deals, denials and grand bargains on the road to the COP26 climate change conference.
China’s Afghan conundrum
China’s Afghan conundrum
Afghanistan is not reputed to be the “graveyard of empires” without reason.
Can Biden’s Build Back Better World compete with the Belt and Road?
Can Biden’s Build Back Better World compete with the Belt and Road?
Overhyping China’s BRI can be self-defeating and play into Beijing’s hands.
Myanmar is not the next Syria
Myanmar is not the next Syria
Comparisons may help draw attention to the crisis, but they ignore essential differences.