Khang Vu

Khang Vu

Khang X. Vu is a doctoral candidate in the Political Science Department at Boston College, where he focuses on East Asian politics and nuclear weapons. Khang earned his master’s degree from Dartmouth College in 2019. 

Forget Washington, Pyongyang’s most important target has always been Beijing
Forget Washington, Pyongyang’s most important target has always been Beijing
Kim Jong-un’s charm offensive with Donald Trump may have yielded few results. Not so his efforts with Xi Jinping.
China’s double wedge against efforts to foster Vietnam-US relations
China’s double wedge against efforts to foster Vietnam-US relations
Just as Beijing seeks to coerce Hanoi in the South China Sea, it warns about Washington’s intentions closer to home.
North Korea/South Korea: Who’s threatening who?
North Korea/South Korea: Who’s threatening who?
The prospect of using nuclear weapons to coerce behaviour has limits.
My decade watching the Korean peninsula: the delicacy of peace
My decade watching the Korean peninsula: the delicacy of peace
Lessons from starting out a career analysing one of the most dangerous flashpoints in global politics.
North Korea: The state versus the people
North Korea: The state versus the people
If the regime is sincere about alleviating the latest food crisis, why ban market sales of foodstuffs?
Why North Korea is denying its involvement in Russia’s war in Ukraine
Why North Korea is denying its involvement in Russia’s war in Ukraine
Pyongyang appears to be a reluctant participant in Putin’s brutal offensive in Eastern Europe.
The Korean Peninsula: Why 2023 will not be like 2017
The Korean Peninsula: Why 2023 will not be like 2017
“Fire and fury” had more to do with the temperament of the White House, while Pyongyang provokes with purpose.
All in the family: North Korea’s means of nuclear survivability
All in the family: North Korea’s means of nuclear survivability
Kim Jong-un’s daughter reveal might be about keeping a trusted finger on the nuclear button more than succession plans.
North Korea: unpredictably predictable
North Korea: unpredictably predictable
The rationale behind Pyongyang’s provocative missile launches may not be as menacing as it appears.