Khang Vu

Khang Vu

Khang X. Vu is a doctoral candidate in the Political Science Department at Boston College, where he focuses on East Asian politics and nuclear weapons. Khang earned his master’s degree from Dartmouth College in 2019. 

North Korea: unpredictably predictable
North Korea: unpredictably predictable
The rationale behind Pyongyang’s provocative missile launches may not be as menacing as it appears.
Come what may, North Korea perseveres
Come what may, North Korea perseveres
No manner of sanctions appears to dent Pyongyang’s determination to remain solitary and nuclear armed.
North Korea’s politics defeats Covid … almost
North Korea’s politics defeats Covid … almost
In one of the world’s most isolated countries, there’s no escaping microbiology, even when you’re the Chairman.
Koreas: The hidden risk of the “kill chain”
Koreas: The hidden risk of the “kill chain”
South Korea's threat to pre-emptively decapitate the leadership in Pyongyang may drag the United States into a conflict.
Patiently waiting for North Korea’s next nuclear test
Patiently waiting for North Korea’s next nuclear test
Any countdown could depend on what Beijing is willing to tolerate.
Lies, damn lies, and North Korea’s Covid statistics
Lies, damn lies, and North Korea’s Covid statistics
Why has Pyongyang suddenly fessed up to an outbreak after years of insisting the virus has been held completely at bay?
For North Korea, military parades come before the people’s wellbeing
For North Korea, military parades come before the people’s wellbeing
There is no mask over the regime’s true intentions.
Why now? The timing of North Korea’s ICBM test
Why now? The timing of North Korea’s ICBM test
History has an alarming habit of repeating on the Korean peninsula.
From Moon to Yoon: will the Korean peninsula see fire and fury return?
From Moon to Yoon: will the Korean peninsula see fire and fury return?
South Korea’s election result again proves the adage that governments lose more than oppositions win.