Programs & Projects

The International Economics Program

The International Economics Program

The International Economics program aims to explain developments in the international economy, and influence policy. It does so by undertaking independent analytical research.

The International Economics program contributes to the Lowy Institute’s core publications: policy briefs and policy analyses. For example, the program contributed the Lowy Institute Paper, John Edwards’ Beyond the Boom, which argued that Australia’s transition away from the commodities boom will be quite smooth.

Latest publications
News and media
Economic crisis in China? We're not there yet
I started my job at the Federal Reserve three weeks before Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy. I wish I had kept a diary of my initial months at the Fed, so I could recall…
US global economic leadership: Responding to a rising China
US global economic leadership: Responding to a rising China
In this Analysis, Lowy Institute Research Fellow Tristram Sainsbury examines the evolving global economic leadership roles of the United States and China.Tristram Sainsbury
Time for Europe to take Greek lessons from Asia
Time for Europe to take Greek lessons from Asia
Time for Europe to take Greek lessons from AsiaStephen GrenvilleNikkei Report7 August 2015Click here for the online text.Stephen Grenville
The TPP agreement has failed to be finalised — let’s not shed any tears about that
The TPP agreement has failed to be finalised — let’s not shed any tears about that
The TPP agreement has failed to be finalised — let’s not shed any tears about thatLeon BerkelmansThe Australian4 August 2015Leon Berkelmans
Lesson in Asia crisis for unworkable Greek bailout solution
Lesson in Asia crisis for unworkable Greek bailout solution
Lesson in Asia crisis for unworkable Greek bailout solutionLeon BerkelmansAustralian Financial Review20 July 2015Click here for the online text.Leon Berkelmans
Asia must brace for Greek shockwaves
Asia must brace for Greek shockwaves
Asia must brace for Greek shockwavesStephen GrenvilleNikkei Report6 July 2015Click here for the online text.Stephen Grenville
Yuan deserves a place in the IMF basket
Yuan deserves a place in the IMF basket
Yuan deserves a place in the IMF basketStephen GrenvilleNikkei Report11 June 2015Click here for the online text.  Stephen Grenville
It's time for Greece to take charge of its own financial crisis
It's time for Greece to take charge of its own financial crisis
It's time for Greece to take charge of its own financial crisisStephen GrenvilleThe Australian Financial Review4 June 2015Click here for the online text.Stephen Grenville
Gold standard trade deal is now littered with many pitfalls
Gold standard trade deal is now littered with many pitfalls
Gold standard trade deal is now littered with many pitfallsLeon BerkelmansSydney Morning Herald15 April 2015Leon Berkelmans
Encourage investment by levelling the imputation playing field
Encourage investment by levelling the imputation playing field
Encourage investment by levelling the imputation playing fieldStephen Grenville The Australian Financial Review9 April 2015Click here for the online textStephen Grenville