Programs & Projects

The International Economics Program

The International Economics Program

The International Economics program aims to explain developments in the international economy, and influence policy. It does so by undertaking independent analytical research.

The International Economics program contributes to the Lowy Institute’s core publications: policy briefs and policy analyses. For example, the program contributed the Lowy Institute Paper, John Edwards’ Beyond the Boom, which argued that Australia’s transition away from the commodities boom will be quite smooth.

Latest publications
News and media
G20: The case for an inclusive growth target
Earlier this year Treasurer Joe Hockey negotiated a significant commitment among G20 Finance Ministers to aim for an additional 2% of global growth over the next five years. As…
Infrastructure: An opportunity for emerging economies
Low global interest rates since the 2008 global financial crisis seem to provide an ideal opportunity for boosting infrastructure investment. Bond rates have been historically low…
Australia's economic growth secret: It's not mining, and it's not micro reform...
Reading John Edwards Beyond the Boom, I am struck by how easy it is to take the same facts, and treat them as good or bad news. The factual core of Edwards' argument is that the…
Beyond the boom
Lowy Institute Papers
Beyond the boom
In this Lowy Institute Paper, Dr John Edwards, Nonresident Fellow at the Lowy Institute, challenges the pessimism about the Australian economy. The mining boom is far from over –…
Argentina and the problem of sovereign debt restructuring
The long running Argentine debt-default saga has taken another step forward (or backwards, depending on your viewpoint). The US Supreme Court has ruled definitively against…
A parallel Chinese financial order
The Financial Times ran a front page piece last Monday claiming that China has ordered a ban on state-owned companies using Western management consulting companies. It is alleged…
Lopsided economic growth in the Philippines
As one of the fastest growing economies in Asia, the Philippines formalised its new status as the toast of the town among global investors by hosting (on  21-23 May) the…
China and Bretton Woods: Yuan not ready to supplant dollar
Seventy years ago the world's money-men met at Bretton Woods to redesign the international monetary system. The conference was a battle of two ideas: multilateralism versus…
Review: Tim Geithner's 'Stress Test' can't take the strain
Tim Geithner's Stress Test: Reflections on Financial Crises will be read mainly for its take on the 2008 financial crisis, as the author was head of the New York Federal Reserve…
The analytical intransigence of the real world: Gary Becker (1930-2014)
Economists owe a debt of gratitude to Gary Becker, who passed away on 3 May 2014. In the words of his Nobel Prize citation, Becker 'extended the domain of microeconomic analysis…