Programs & Projects

The International Economics Program

The International Economics Program

The International Economics program aims to explain developments in the international economy, and influence policy. It does so by undertaking independent analytical research.

The International Economics program contributes to the Lowy Institute’s core publications: policy briefs and policy analyses. For example, the program contributed the Lowy Institute Paper, John Edwards’ Beyond the Boom, which argued that Australia’s transition away from the commodities boom will be quite smooth.

Latest publications
News and media
Lifting Asia's economic voice
Mike Callaghan is Director of the Lowy Institute's G20 Studies Centre. One of Australia's objectives when it chairs the G20 in 2014 should be to lift the voice of Asia in global…
Martin Wolf's climate change column
Further to the thread I started on Monday about Martin Wolf's pessimistic column, I've had an email from economist John Quiggin which goes directly to the source of Wolf's (and my…
Bankers humbled in St Gallen
Dr Daniel Woker is the former Swiss Ambassador to Australia and now a Senior Lecturer at the University of St Gallen. The St Gallen Symposium, held annually at the University of…
Reader riposte: Countering Krugman
James Bloomfield writes: If you are going to link to yet more Krugman on austerity, you should also link to the contra argument, namely Tyler Cowen, Steven Pearlstein, Larry…
The global macro policy experiment
Mike Callaghan is Director of the Lowy Institute's G20 Studies Centre. The world is going through a macroeconomic policy experiment, with many countries having very high levels of…
China doomsayers run out of arguments
Ever since China slowed from unsustainable 10%-plus growth figures in the pre-2008 decade, there has been a barrage of voices foreseeing a painful slump. Some even doubt that…
The deadly politics of fuel subsidies
When G20 leaders met in Pittsburgh in 2009, they committed to 'rationalize and phase out over the medium term inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful…
Is the G7 back?
Mike Callaghan is Director of the Lowy Institute's G20 Studies Centre. Finance Ministers from G7 countries (US, UK, Germany, Japan, Italy, France and Germany) met in London on 10…
A new WTO boss: Brazil 1-0 Mexico
So Brazil has triumphed over Mexico in the contest to provide the next Director-General of the WTO. Roberto Azevedo (pictured) beat Herminio Blanco to take over from Pascal Lamy…
Is there a middle-income trap?
With Europe stagnating, America in a limp recovery and Japan still mired in its lost decades, world growth has been sustained over the past two years by the performance of the…