Programs & Projects

The International Economics Program

The International Economics Program

The International Economics program aims to explain developments in the international economy, and influence policy. It does so by undertaking independent analytical research.

The International Economics program contributes to the Lowy Institute’s core publications: policy briefs and policy analyses. For example, the program contributed the Lowy Institute Paper, John Edwards’ Beyond the Boom, which argued that Australia’s transition away from the commodities boom will be quite smooth.

Latest publications
News and media
Monetary policy: All in the mind (nearly)
The initial response to Japan's new monetary policy has been dramatic. Even before any action has been taken, the exchange rate has depreciated by 20% and equity prices are up 30%…
Ten tips for better G20 communiqués
Mike Callaghan is Director of the Lowy Institute's G20 Studies Centre.  G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors will meet in Washington, DC on 18 April. They will issue…
Growth and jobs: A new focus for the IMF
Mike Callaghan is Director of the Lowy Institute's G20 Studies Centre. His op-ed on Australia's agenda for the 2014 G20 meeting appears in today's Financial Review. Things are…
Thatcherism and economic leadership
In the years of economic turbulence that have followed the onset of the global financial crisis, a common lament has been the absence of effective economic leadership and an…
BRICS shows G20 the way
Mike Callaghan is Director of the Lowy Institute's G20 Studies Centre. Was the fifth summit of BRICS leaders (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) held in South Africa…
What's wrong with the NZ economy?
New Zealand pioneered economic reform. Now, nearly three decades later, some Kiwis are wondering why there has not been a bigger pay-off. New Zealand real income was above the…
Australian model or Australian bubble?
In a blog post earlier this year I asked whether emerging economies had been lucky or smart. I also suggested that one way to start answering this question was to look at their…
Cyprus and the euro: The first domino?
We now have a new deal for Cyprus, one that looks a fair bit closer to what the first deal should have been and what the IMF originally proposed. In particular, it backs away…
When countries go broke
Every country has detailed procedures to govern private sector bankruptcy. These allow the residual assets of the insolvent company to be divided equitably between creditors. The…
Who is to blame for austerity?
The concerted global fiscal stimulus of 2009 is an example of excellent policy-making, the more outstanding because subsequent policies have been ineffectual in addressing the…