Programs & Projects

The International Security Program

The International Security Program

The International Security Program looks at strategic dynamics and security risks globally, with an emphasis on Australia's region of Indo-Pacific Asia. Its research spans strategic competition and the risks of conflict in Asia, security implications of the rise of China and India, maritime security, nuclear arms control, Australian defence policy and the changing character of conflict. The Program draws on a network of experts in Australia, Asia and globally, and is supported by diverse funding sources including grants from the MacArthur Foundation and the Nuclear Threat Initiative. It convenes international policy dialogues such as the 2017 Australia-ROK Emerging Leaders International Security Forum and has a record of producing leading-edge, influential reports.

Latest publications
News and media
Making sense of North Korea’s fireworks
Making sense of North Korea’s fireworks
In this article on The Diplomat’s Flashpoints blog, Rory Medcalf looks at the regional and global implications of the surprise launch of a North Korean rocket on December 12…
A sobering assessment
A sobering assessment
In this article on The Diplomat’s Flashpoints blog, Rory Medcalf looks at what the U.S. National Intelligence Council’s 2030 Report, Alternative Worlds, says for Indo…
A frightening prospect: war in the East China Sea
A frightening prospect: war in the East China Sea
In this article on The Diplomat’s China Power blog, Rory Medcalf responds to Hugh White’s contention that imminent conflict may be on the horizon for Beijing and Tokyo…
Can military diplomacy keep the peace in 2013?
Can military diplomacy keep the peace in 2013?
In this article on The Diplomat’s Flashpoints blog, Rory Medcalf looks the prospect of using bilateral and multilateral military diplomacy to manage security tensions in…
Britain’s Asia comeback
Britain’s Asia comeback
In this article on The Diplomat’s Flashpoints blog, Rory Medcalf questions the likelihood of Britain becoming a serious security player in Asia.Rory Medcalf
Australia and India: common goals, budding partnership
Australia and India: common goals, budding partnership
In this article on The Diplomat’s Flashpoints blog, Rory Medcalf examines Australia and India’s strategic partnership following Bob Carr’s visit to India.Rory…
Australia's security challenge
Australia's security challenge
In this article on The Diplomat’s Flashpoints blog, Rory Medcalf looks at the Gillard government’s National Security Strategy in the context of recent cuts to defence…
The Syrian deadlock (part 1)
The second anniversary of the Syrian civil war is looming and the political and military situation remains deadlocked. The Assad regime's superiority in conventional weapons has…
NSS overlooks lessons of East Timor
Senator David Fawcett (Liberal) is a member of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade. The National Security Strategy announced last week by Prime…
Why Mali matters for France and Europe
Dr Daniel Woker is the former Swiss Ambassador to Australia and now a Senior Lecturer at the University of St Gallen. Mali might not be Afghanistan, but a country just south of…