Programs & Projects

The International Security Program

The International Security Program

The International Security Program looks at strategic dynamics and security risks globally, with an emphasis on Australia's region of Indo-Pacific Asia. Its research spans strategic competition and the risks of conflict in Asia, security implications of the rise of China and India, maritime security, nuclear arms control, Australian defence policy and the changing character of conflict. The Program draws on a network of experts in Australia, Asia and globally, and is supported by diverse funding sources including grants from the MacArthur Foundation and the Nuclear Threat Initiative. It convenes international policy dialogues such as the 2017 Australia-ROK Emerging Leaders International Security Forum and has a record of producing leading-edge, influential reports.

Latest publications
News and media
Australia, East Asia and the current financial crisis
Australia, East Asia and the current financial crisis
In a new Analysis, Dr Stephen Grenville argues that as the international crisis begins to impinge more strongly on Asia, one of the potential protective responses – the Chiang Mai…
Nuclear security: what else can Australia do?
Policy Briefs
Nuclear security: what else can Australia do?
Nuclear dangers are growing, yet so is a new 'realistic idealist' campaign for nuclear disarmament.Rory Medcalf
Restraining nuclear arms in the Asian century: an agenda for Australia
Restraining nuclear arms in the Asian century: an agenda for Australia
In this Analysis, International Security Program Director Rory Medcalf provides background and detail for his proposals for renewed Australian activism on nuclear non…
Why the Gulf matters: crafting an Australian security policy for the Gulf
Policy Briefs
Why the Gulf matters: crafting an Australian security policy for the Gulf
The imminent withdrawal of Australian combat forces from Iraq does not mean that the Arabian Gulf is peripheral to Australia's strategic interests. Rodger Shanahan
Nuclear power in Southeast Asia: Implications for Australia and non-proliferation
Nuclear power in Southeast Asia: Implications for Australia and non-proliferation
Several Southeast Asian countries continue seriously to assess the feasibility of nuclear energy, despite the 2011 Fukushima disaster. This publication explores the reasons and…
Hesitating on the brink of partnership
Hesitating on the brink of partnership
In this piece for the East-West Center, Washington, International Security Program Director Rory Medcalf argues that Australia and India are hesitating at the brink of real…
India should play its part
India should play its part
In this article in new Indian publication Pragati ('Progress'), International Security Program Director Rory Medcalf argues that Australia alone cannot do all the running in…
‘The Emerging Global Order’, by Russell Trood
Lowy Institute Papers
‘The Emerging Global Order’, by Russell Trood
To mark the recent passing of Russell Trood, the Lowy Institute is proud to present his 2008 Lowy Institute Paper on Australian foreign policy in the 21st century.Russell…
'The end of the Vasco da Gama era'
Lowy Institute Papers
'The end of the Vasco da Gama era'
The new Australian Government will have to navigate some difficult diplomatic waters in a world where power is shifting away from unipolarity and towards an Asia-centric…
Stopping a nuclear arms race between America and China
Policy Briefs
Stopping a nuclear arms race between America and China
China and America may be at the start of a destabilising nuclear arms race, as China tries to preserve its ability to deter US nuclear attack in the light of US missile defences…