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The collapse of the “Chinese collapse” theory
The collapse of the “Chinese collapse” theory
Originally published in the Australian Financial Review on 9 April 2018. Richard McGregor
Safeguarding Australia’s security interests through closer Pacific ties
Safeguarding Australia’s security interests through closer Pacific ties
Greater Australian engagement in the Pacific Islands region is needed if Canberra wants to ensure regional stability and underpin Australia’s national security. Greg Colton
The other North Korea question: How important is the Korean Peninsula to the US?
The other North Korea question: How important is the Korean Peninsula to the US?
Historians may come to see North Korea’s nuclear-armed ballistic missiles as the trigger that unravels America’s strategic leadership of Asia. Originally published in the…
What key players want from Trump–Kim talks (and what they’ll get)
What key players want from Trump–Kim talks (and what they’ll get)
Originally published in the South China Morning Post. Euan Graham
ASEAN summit is diplomatic coup for Australia
ASEAN summit is diplomatic coup for Australia
Originally published in Australian Financial Review Aaron L Connelly
Charities and terrorism: Lessons from the Syrian crisis
Charities and terrorism: Lessons from the Syrian crisis
Terrorists have manipulated the humanitarian crisis in Syria to create a cover for foreign fighters and to raise funds for terrorist groups under the guise of charitable donations…
Xi Jinping must defuse China's debt bomb
Xi Jinping must defuse China's debt bomb
Originally published in Australian Financial Review. Richard McGregor
Trump’s trade war pins Australia between a rock and a hard place
Trump’s trade war pins Australia between a rock and a hard place
Originally published in The Australian. Roland Rajah
Xi Jinping’s ideological ambitions
Xi Jinping’s ideological ambitions
World communism isn’t Beijing’s goal, but it is encouraging the spread of authoritarianism. Originally published in The Wall Street Journal. Richard McGregor