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John Curtin: normal nice human being in world at war
John Curtin: normal nice human being in world at war
Originally published in The Australian.John Edwards
Trump exhumes the Quad
Trump exhumes the Quad
Originally published in the Australian Financial Review. James Curran
The fourth industrial revolution and international migration
The fourth industrial revolution and international migration
This working paper examines the implications of digitalisation for skilled migration in high-income countries such as Australia and outlines key areas for policymakers in relation…
Clear waters and green mountains: Will Xi Jinping take the lead on climate change?
Clear waters and green mountains: Will Xi Jinping take the lead on climate change?
President Trump’s retreat on climate change put China ‘in the driver’s seat’. But to really demonstrate leadership, China needs to green its overseas investments. Sam Geall
Russian denials and the Donald Trump paradox
Russian denials and the Donald Trump paradox
Originally published in the Australian Financial Review. Bobo Lo
Trump in Vietnam must not trump Asia's pivotal emerging economy
Trump in Vietnam must not trump Asia's pivotal emerging economy
Originally published in the Straits Times. Matthew Busch
US–Vietnam relations under President Trump
US–Vietnam relations under President Trump
Under President Obama the bilateral relationship between the United States and Vietnam flourished. Despite some misgivings about the future direction of US policy in the region…
Prince Salman wields his sword in the house of Saud
Prince Salman wields his sword in the house of Saud
Originally published in The Australian.Rodger Shanahan