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Iran has more at stake in Syria than America and its allies
Iran has more at stake in Syria than America and its allies
Iran has more at stake in Syria than America and its alliesRodger ShanahanThe Australian4 January 2016 Click here for the online text.Rodger Shanahan
2015 Australia-Papua New Guinea Emerging Leaders Dialogue: Outcomes Report
2015 Australia-Papua New Guinea Emerging Leaders Dialogue: Outcomes Report
In this Report, the Lowy Institute’s Melanesia team summarises the outcomes of the third annual Australia-Papua New Guinea Emerging Leaders Dialogue.  Jenny Hayward-Jones …
Australia's global role will change as power shifts to China
Australia's global role will change as power shifts to China
Australia's global role will change as power shifts to ChinaMichael FulliloveThe Australian26 September 2015Click here for online text.Michael Fullilove
Australia's policy on America and China needs no big changes
Australia's policy on America and China needs no big changes
Australia's policy on America and China needs no big changesMichael FulliloveThe Australian3 October 2015Click here for online text. Michael Fullilove
Australian political dysfunction hurts our reputation abroad
Australian political dysfunction hurts our reputation abroad
Australian political dysfunction hurts our reputation abroadMichael FulliloveThe Australian10 October 2015Click here for the online text.Michael Fullilove
Think big and act big globally for a larger Australia
Think big and act big globally for a larger Australia
Think big and act big globally for a larger AustraliaMichael FulliloveThe Australian17 October 2015Click here for online text.Michael Fullilove
The fading of an ageing world order
The fading of an ageing world order
The fading of an ageing world orderMichael FulliloveThe Financial Times23 October 2015Click here for online text.Michael Fullilove
The great game is not a spectator sport
The great game is not a spectator sport
The great game is not a spectator sportMichael FulliloveSydney Morning Herald5 December 2015Click here for the online text.Michael Fullilove
Interdependence, Alliance and the Winning Edge
Interdependence, Alliance and the Winning Edge
In an address to the Lowy Institute, the Chief of Navy, Vice Admiral Tim Barrett AO CSC RAN, discussed the interconnected nature of naval power in the twenty first century, and…