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Russia’s Asian rebalance
Russia’s Asian rebalance
In this Lowy Institute Analysis, Dr Matthew Sussex surveys the security, energy, and regional engagement implications of Russia’s pivot to Asia and argues that despite numerous…
A republic is an issue of self respect
A republic is an issue of self respect
Michael FulliloveThe Daily Telegraph30 November 2015Click here for the online text.Michael Fullilove
A Larger Australia: The ABC 2015 Boyer Lectures
A Larger Australia: The ABC 2015 Boyer Lectures
For most of Australia's history, the world was run by nations like our own. But now the international order that has prevailed since the end of the Second World War is fraying…
Labor's climate change action plan
Labor's climate change action plan
On 27 November, the Hon Bill Shorten MP, the Leader of the Opposition, gave a major policy address at the Lowy Institute for International Policy outlining the…
Chinese worldviews and China’s foreign policy
Chinese worldviews and China’s foreign policy
Four key narratives help explain the way that China acts in and interprets the world, providing a more nuanced guide to China’s aims and ambitions and helping to shape more…
America’s mixed maritime signals in the South China Sea
America’s mixed maritime signals in the South China Sea
America’s mixed maritime signals in the South China SeaEuan GrahamFinancial Times19 November 2015Please click here for the online text.Euan Graham
2015 Lowy Institute polling: Views on climate action ahead of United Nations climate negotiations in Paris
2015 Lowy Institute polling: Views on climate action ahead of United Nations climate negotiations in Paris
As the world begins negotiations at the Paris international climate negotiations next week, the majority of adult Australians (62%) say the Government should be prepared to make…
Decision to keep Syria running was a masterstroke
Decision to keep Syria running was a masterstroke
Decision to keep Syria running was a masterstrokeRodger ShanahanThe Australian20 November 2015 Rodger Shanahan
G20 needs to find new momentum to progress global issues
G20 needs to find new momentum to progress global issues
G20 needs to find new momentum to progress global issues Tristram Sainsbury and Hannah Wurf Australian Financial Review 13 November 2015Hannah Wurf , Tristram Sainsbury