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2014 Australia-India Roundtable: Outcomes Statement
2014 Australia-India Roundtable: Outcomes Statement
Relations between India and Australia have reached a new maturity, based on deepening connections between their societies, economies, education sectors and policy establishments…
Global cooperation among G20 countries: responding to the crisis and restoring growth
Global cooperation among G20 countries: responding to the crisis and restoring growth
At the outbreak of the global financial crisis, 2008, the G20 was widely acknowledged as helping prevent an even more serious decline in the global economy. It helped to calm the…
Anzac's long shadow: the cost of our national obsession
Anzac's long shadow: the cost of our national obsession
Lowy Institute Military Fellow, and former army officer, James Brown believes that Australia is expending too much time, money and emotion on the Anzac legend, and that today'…
Bangun dari Tidur, Lihat Kekuatan Angkatan Laut China
Bangun dari Tidur, Lihat Kekuatan Angkatan Laut China
In this Indonesian-language article for Media Indonesia, Rory Medcalf and Dr C Raja Mohan explore the strategic implications of China's recent naval foray into the waters…
India-Japan ties in the face of a rising China
India-Japan ties in the face of a rising China
India-Japan ties in the face of a rising ChinaDanielle RajendramChina-India Brief # 20Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy28 January 2014Please click here for the full online text…
Sea change of China power
Sea change of China power
In this op-ed for The Australian, Rory Medcalf and C Raja Mohan look at the strategic implications of China's naval foray into the waters between Indonesia and…
The G20 needs a growth strategy
Policy Briefs
The G20 needs a growth strategy
In this Lowy Institute Policy Brief, Director of the G20 Studies Centre Mike Callaghan AM argues that the G20 needs to develop a comprehensive growth strategy to lift global…
2013 Australia-Papua New Guinea Emerging Leaders Dialogue: Outcomes report
2013 Australia-Papua New Guinea Emerging Leaders Dialogue: Outcomes report
The Lowy Institute hosted the inaugural Australia-Papua New Guinea Emerging Leaders Dialogue on 26 November 2013. The Dialogue was convened with the support of the Department of…
Northeast Asia's turbulent triangle: Korea-China-Japan relations
Northeast Asia's turbulent triangle: Korea-China-Japan relations
In this workshop report Lowy Institute Nonresident Fellow Dr Malcolm Cook examines the bilateral relationships in Northeast Asia. He argues that ties between China and Japan,…