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The Indian Ocean region: Security, stability and sustainability in the 21st century. Report of the Australia India Institute Task Force on Indian Ocean Security
Journal Articles
The Indian Ocean region: Security, stability and sustainability in the 21st century. Report of the Australia India Institute Task Force on Indian Ocean Security
International Security Program Director Rory Medcalf reviews the report of the Australia India Institute Taskforce on Indian Ocean Security, The Indian Ocean region: Security…
The 'Pivot' has run out of puff
The 'Pivot' has run out of puff
Despite Joe Biden’s Asia trip, Obama’s foreign policy has seemed Atlantic-focused recently.Michael Fullilove
Q. & A.: Rory Medcalf on the meaning of China’s Air Defense Zone
Q. & A.: Rory Medcalf on the meaning of China’s Air Defense Zone
In this interview with Austin Ramzy for the New York Times' Sinosphere blog, Rory Medcalf discusses the regional security implications of China's Air Defence…
Think20 papers 2014: policy recommendations for the Brisbane G20 Summit
Think20 papers 2014: policy recommendations for the Brisbane G20 Summit
On 1 December 2013, Australia began its twelve-month presidency of the G20, a role that will culminate with the chairing of the Brisbane G20 summit, 15-16 November 2014…
China's economic statecraft: turning wealth into power
China's economic statecraft: turning wealth into power
China today is using economic statecraft more frequently, more assertively, and in more diverse fashion than ever before. Yet fears of Chinese economic coercion should not be…
Kepentingan Bersama Indonesia dan Australia (Indonesia's and Australia's Common Interests)
Kepentingan Bersama Indonesia dan Australia (Indonesia's and Australia's Common Interests)
Lowy Institute Research Fellow Dr Dave McRae, in an opinion piece for Indonesian news portal VivaNews, argues that the spying row of the past week exposes the need for Indonesia…
Abbott's failure to listen escalates spying row
Abbott's failure to listen escalates spying row
In an opinion piece in The Drum, Lowy Institute Research Fellow Dr Dave McRae says that Tony Abbott's failure to proactively defuse the spying row with Indonesia has…
Brave new region? America's Mideast allies face U.S. withdrawal
Brave new region? America's Mideast allies face U.S. withdrawal
Obama's modest new Middle East policy is costing the U.S. the trust of its allies while emboldening its adversaries, says Anthony Bubalo, Research Director at the Lowy…
Time for Canberra and New Delhi to establish a new partnership
Time for Canberra and New Delhi to establish a new partnership
In this op-ed for The Times of India , Rory Medcalf discusses the need for Australian ministers to establish new lines of communication and partnership working with India.Rory…