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Cyber attacks more widespread than we know
Cyber attacks more widespread than we know
In an opinion piece in The Australian, Nonresident Fellow Alan Dupont writes that the threat to national security from cyber attacks is real and it is growing, seemingly unchecked…
Great Southern Lands: Building ties between Australia and Brazil
Great Southern Lands: Building ties between Australia and Brazil
This report brings together four essays from Australian and Brazilian authors that collectively aim to shed some light on Brazil and its future importance to Australia and the…
What Indians think about China
What Indians think about China
In this article on the Diplomat's Flashpoints blog, Rory Medcalf looks at what the findings of the India Poll 2013 reveal about how Indians view China. Rory Medcalf
Whose Indo-Pacific? China, India and the United States in the regional maritime security order
Whose Indo-Pacific? China, India and the United States in the regional maritime security order
On 21 May 2013, International Security Program Director Rory Medcalf made a presentation at the Asia-Pacific Centre for Security Studies Workshop on Maritime…
Remarks at the launch of the India Poll 2013
Remarks at the launch of the India Poll 2013
On 20 May 2013, International Security Program Director launched the India Poll 2013 at the Observer Research Foundation in New Delhi. The full text of his remarks is included…
Wisdom of the crowd
Wisdom of the crowd
In this article in Foreign Policy, International Security Program Director Rory Medcalf explores what the India Poll 2013 reveals about how Indians view the world. Rory Medcalf…
A chequered view of Chinese colours Li's Indian travails
A chequered view of Chinese colours Li's Indian travails
In this op-ed in The Australian, Rory Medcalf and Amitabh Mattoo discuss what the findings of the India Poll 2013 reveal about mistrust in China-India relations ahead of Chinese…
China won't be frozen out of Arctic
China won't be frozen out of Arctic
In an opinion piece about China and the Arctic for the Global Times  (in English and Chinese), Lowy Institute East Asia Program Director Linda Jakobson argues that Chinese…
Beijing’s Arctic goals are not to be feared
Beijing’s Arctic goals are not to be feared
In an opinion piece in the Financial Times, Linda Jakobson, Program Director East Asia, writes that China’s motives in the Arctic are perfectly comprehensible; they…