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A new aid order in the Asian Century: reflections on The Future of International Development in the Asia Pacific conference, 9-10 May 2013
A new aid order in the Asian Century: reflections on The Future of International Development in the Asia Pacific conference, 9-10 May 2013
The Lowy Institute, together with The Asia Foundation and the Development Policy Centre at ANU, co-hosted the conference The Future of International Development in the Asia…
U.S. soft power & the rebalance: Public diplomacy in New Zealand and Indonesia
U.S. soft power & the rebalance: Public diplomacy in New Zealand and Indonesia
In this article for CSIS' CogitASIA blog, Lowy Institute Thawley Scholar Jack Georgieff looks at US soft power and public diplomacy in New Zealand and Indonesia, and how that…
An Indo-Pacific Treaty: An idea whose time has come?
An Indo-Pacific Treaty: An idea whose time has come?
In this article on The Diplomat's The Editor blog, Lowy Institute Thawley Scholar Jack Georgieff looks at the prospects for developing an Indo-Pacific Treaty as proposed by…
Shangri La Dialogue: Hints of stormy weather ahead
Shangri La Dialogue: Hints of stormy weather ahead
In this article on The Diplomat's Flashpoints blog, Rory Medcalf explores the way regional tensions played out at the recent Shangri La Dialogue in Singapore.Rory Medcalf
A few poorly organized men
A few poorly organized men
This is the full pre-print text of 'A few poorly organized men: interreligious violence in Poso, Indonesia' by Dave McRae, published by Brill in May 2013.The hardcopy of…
Maritime game-changer revealed at Shangri-La Dialogue
Maritime game-changer revealed at Shangri-La Dialogue
In this article on The Diplomat's Flashpoints blog, Rory Medcalf discusses the implications of Chinese naval activity in the United States' Exclusive Economic Zone as…
Pan-Arabism loses ground in religious divide
Pan-Arabism loses ground in religious divide
In an opinion piece in The Australian, Rodger Shanahan writes that religion has emerged as the defining element of identity in the post-Arab Spring Middle East.Rodger Shanahan
Chinese aid in the South Pacific: linked to resources?
Journal Articles
Chinese aid in the South Pacific: linked to resources?
Lowy Institute Research Associate Dr Philippa Brant has published an article in the journal Asian Studies Review, Volume 37 (2) 2013, on the implications of China's emergence as a…
The G20 Leaders’ process five years on: an assessment from an Asian perspective
The G20 Leaders’ process five years on: an assessment from an Asian perspective
One of the most significant developments in global economic leadership in recent years has been the development of the G20 Leaders’ Summit.After a positive start,…