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A U.S. naval blockade of China?
A U.S. naval blockade of China?
In this article on The Diplomat's Flashpoints blog, Rory Medcalf explores how potential conflict between the United States and China might unfold.Rory Medcalf
Parliamentary Submission: Defence Performance
Parliamentary Submission: Defence Performance
In this submission to the Australian Parliament's review of the Defence Annual Report, Military Fellow James Brown argues for greater parliamentary oversight of defence by…
Tweets and tanks
Tweets and tanks
In this opinion piece in American Review magazine, Rory Medcalf explores the effect that social media has had on interstate tensions in Indo-Pacific Asia and beyond.Rory Medcalf
The promise and peril of India's youth bulge
The promise and peril of India's youth bulge
In this article on The Diplomat, Danielle Rajendram examines the opportunities and challenges presented by the growing youth segment of India's population.Danielle Rajendram
Football diplomacy redux: the 2015 Asian Cup and Australia's engagement with Asia
Policy Briefs
Football diplomacy redux: the 2015 Asian Cup and Australia's engagement with Asia
In 2015 Australia will host the Asian Football Confederation’s Asian Cup, providing opportunities for government, business and community groups to strengthen their engagement with…
Australia - the indispensable power in a congested sea
Australia - the indispensable power in a congested sea
Melanesia Program Director Jenny Hayward-Jones spoke at the Royal United Services Institute’s 2nd International Defence and Security Dialogue: 'Australia’s…
A nuclear pivot to Asia?
A nuclear pivot to Asia?
In this article on The Diplomat's Flashpoints blog, Rory Medcalf asks whether Asia's growing strategic uncertainty will affect President Obama's push for nuclear…
Observations of Chinese investment in Australia
Observations of Chinese investment in Australia
Last night, the inaugural Lowy Institute-Rio Tinto China Fellow, Professor Zha Daojiong of Peking University, gave a lively presentation on Chinese investment in Australia…
Foreign service remains vastly underfunded
Foreign service remains vastly underfunded
In an opinion piece in the Australian Financial Review, Dr Michael Fullilove and Alex Oliver argue that as Australians look ahead to a federal election in September, they should…