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Staying the executioners' guns?
Journal Articles
Staying the executioners' guns?
In a new piece for Inside Indonesia, Lowy Institute Research Fellow Dr Dave McRae outlines signs that Indonesia may move towards abolition of the death penalty, and examines how…
Global risk into 2013: Time for some cautious optimism?
Global risk into 2013: Time for some cautious optimism?
In comments prepared for the Australian launch of the WEF’s Global Risks Report 2013, Mark Thirlwell takes a look at the risk outlook for the global economy, and asks whether some…
China's foreign policy dilemma
China's foreign policy dilemma
Therefore Chinese foreign policy can be expected to be reactive. This may have serious consequences because of the potentially explosive nature of two of China's most pressing…
Shinzo Abe's strategic diamond
Shinzo Abe's strategic diamond
In this article on The Diplomat’s Flashpoints blog, Rory Medcalf looks at the possibility of Shinzo Abe reviving the quadrilateral dialogue in his second term as Prime…
A term whose time has come: the Indo-Pacific
A term whose time has come: the Indo-Pacific
In this article on The Diplomat’s Flashpoints blog, Rory Medcalf advocates for the usage of the term ‘Indo-Pacific’ to describe the emerging Asian strategic…
Making sense of North Korea’s fireworks
Making sense of North Korea’s fireworks
In this article on The Diplomat’s Flashpoints blog, Rory Medcalf looks at the regional and global implications of the surprise launch of a North Korean rocket on December 12…
A sobering assessment
A sobering assessment
In this article on The Diplomat’s Flashpoints blog, Rory Medcalf looks at what the U.S. National Intelligence Council’s 2030 Report, Alternative Worlds, says for Indo…
A frightening prospect: war in the East China Sea
A frightening prospect: war in the East China Sea
In this article on The Diplomat’s China Power blog, Rory Medcalf responds to Hugh White’s contention that imminent conflict may be on the horizon for Beijing and Tokyo…
Can military diplomacy keep the peace in 2013?
Can military diplomacy keep the peace in 2013?
In this article on The Diplomat’s Flashpoints blog, Rory Medcalf looks the prospect of using bilateral and multilateral military diplomacy to manage security tensions in…