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The spectre of Malthus
The spectre of Malthus
In this 2009 Lowy Institute working paper, Mark Thirlwell looks at some initial lessons from the 2007-2008 crisis about living in a resource-constrained world. A revised version…
Egypt's Islamist President: what lies ahead?
Egypt's Islamist President: what lies ahead?
On 30 June 2012, Mohammed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood was sworn in as Egypt’s first ever democratically elected President.  In an effort to address some of the questions…
Australia - China ties: in search of political trust
Policy Briefs
Australia - China ties: in search of political trust
Australia's political relationship with China is far less developed than its economic relationship. This is detrimental to Australia's interests because China is not merely an…
The Lowy Institute Poll 2012: Public opinion and foreign policy
The Lowy Institute Poll 2012: Public opinion and foreign policy
The eighth annual Lowy Institute Poll reports the results of a nationally representative opinion survey of 1,005 Australian adults conducted in Australia between 26 March…
Final submissions to the Parliamentary Inquiry into Australia overseas representation
Final submissions to the Parliamentary Inquiry into Australia overseas representation
Final submissions in Parliament's Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Inquiry into Australia's overseas representation were published by the…
China expanding role in Africa and implications for the EU
China expanding role in Africa and implications for the EU
East Asia Program Director Linda Jakobson examines China's expanding role in Africa and the implications for China-EU relations in 'Europe and China: Strategic Partners or Rivals?…
China could be slowing faster than we think
China could be slowing faster than we think
Whilst headline output numbers show China’s economy gliding – more or less – towards a soft landing, several indicators suggest the distinct possibility of a sharper-than-expected…
The world economy, Murphy's law and Finagle's corollary
The world economy, Murphy's law and Finagle's corollary
Over the second half of 2011, the world economy seemed to be sliding inexorably towards another major financial crisis. In the event, actions by an aggressive European Central…
Global fiscal adjustment and trade rebalancing
Global fiscal adjustment and trade rebalancing
The emergence of substantial fiscal deficits and a large build-up of government debt in major advanced economies will inevitably lead to a period of fiscal consolidation in coming…