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Shared challenges and solutions: Australia unique contribution to the future of African development
Policy Briefs
Shared challenges and solutions: Australia unique contribution to the future of African development
As part of its commitment to increase spending on overseas development assistance, the Australian government has announced a substantial re-engagement with Africa.Joel Negin ,…
Putting the genie back in the bottle: ruling regimes and the new media in the Arab world
Putting the genie back in the bottle: ruling regimes and the new media in the Arab world
In a new Lowy Institute Analysis Australian journalist David Hardaker examines the growth and impact of the 'new media' - primarily the internet and satellite television - in the…
Ambition: the emerging foreign policy of the Rudd Government
Ambition: the emerging foreign policy of the Rudd Government
In a new Lowy Institute Analysis entitled 'Ambition: the emerging foreign policy of the Rudd Government', Lowy Institute Executive Director Allan Gyngell explores what we have…
Australia, East Asia and the current financial crisis
Australia, East Asia and the current financial crisis
In a new Analysis, Dr Stephen Grenville argues that as the international crisis begins to impinge more strongly on Asia, one of the potential protective responses – the Chiang Mai…
The sting of climate change
Policy Briefs
The sting of climate change
Climate change is not only affecting where people live and prosper but also where mosquitoes do. This is bad news for northern Australia and Australia's northern neighbours. In a…
Expecting the unexpected
Expecting the unexpected
To estimate the emissions reductions and costs of a climate policy, analysts usually compare a policy scenario with a baseline scenario of future economic conditions without the…
Hope or glory? The presidential election, US foreign policy and Australia
Hope or glory? The presidential election, US foreign policy and Australia
What is at stake in a US presidential election in terms of American foreign policy? How might the temperament and world-views of the respective candidates be interpreted? In this…
Zealous democrats: Islamism and democracy in Egypt, Indonesia and Turkey
Lowy Institute Papers
Zealous democrats: Islamism and democracy in Egypt, Indonesia and Turkey
The question is often asked 'What will Islamists do to democracy?' But it seems equally valid to ask 'What might democracy do to Islamists?' Anthony Bubalo, Greg Fealy and Whit…
The 2008 Lowy Institute Poll: Australia and the world
The 2008 Lowy Institute Poll: Australia and the world
The fourth annual Lowy Institute Poll surveys a nationally representative sample of Australians on a range of foreign policy issues and contains a number of new questions. These…