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Beyond good governance
Policy Briefs
Beyond good governance
Australian aid has not been effective in helping the Pacific Islands region make significant progress in meeting the Millennium Development Goals.Jenny Hayward-Jones
Bad moon not rising: the myth of the Shi'a crescent
Bad moon not rising: the myth of the Shi'a crescent
Accusations that a Shi'a crescent is emerging in the Arab world following the rise of a Shi'a government in Iraq and the actions of Hizbullah in Lebanon, have provoked much…
Nuclear security: what else can Australia do?
Policy Briefs
Nuclear security: what else can Australia do?
Nuclear dangers are growing, yet so is a new 'realistic idealist' campaign for nuclear disarmament.Rory Medcalf
Restraining nuclear arms in the Asian century: an agenda for Australia
Restraining nuclear arms in the Asian century: an agenda for Australia
In this Analysis, International Security Program Director Rory Medcalf provides background and detail for his proposals for renewed Australian activism on nuclear non…
Into Africa
Lowy Institute Papers
Into Africa
The international resource boom has spurred a hunt for new mineral and hydrocarbon reserves, and an important new frontier in this search is Sub-Saharan Africa.Roger Donnelly ,…
After Doha: the search for Plan B
After Doha: the search for Plan B
The Doha round of world trade talks has collapsed. After the negotiations were suspended back in July 2006, Mark Thirlwell wrote that – regardless of the ultimate outcome of the…
So what? Matching policy to Australian interests in West Asia
Policy Briefs
So what? Matching policy to Australian interests in West Asia
In a new Lowy institute Policy Brief, West Asia Program Director Anthony Bubalo argues that the evolution of Australian policy in West Asia (the Middle East and Southwest Asia)…
China can grow and still help prevent the tragedy of the carbon dioxide commons
China can grow and still help prevent the tragedy of the carbon dioxide commons
Under reasonable assumptions, China could achieve parity in living standard with Western Europe by 2100, and India by 2150. Climate change, however, may be a key obstacle…
Building on Kyoto: towards a realistic global climate agreement
Building on Kyoto: towards a realistic global climate agreement
Although the Kyoto Protocol has not been effective at reducing emissions, it has been very effective at demonstrating a few important lessons about the form future international…