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PNG looks to enhance its foreign investment regime
PNG looks to enhance its foreign investment regime
This article originally appeared in the Economist Intelligence Unit, 16 January 2023.
Australia must come to the South-East Asia investment table
Australia must come to the South-East Asia investment table
Australia has chided the US for its security-first view of South-East Asia. But this country suffers from the same syndrome of under doing investment relationships. Originally…
Why Australia needs to own its strategic power
Why Australia needs to own its strategic power
Australia will need to shape a region likely to be made up of a messy patchwork of coalitions, rather than a grand concert of powers. First published in the Australian…
Australia cements ties with PNG, reinforces role in Pacific
Australia cements ties with PNG, reinforces role in Pacific
This article originally appeared in the Economist Intelligence Unit, 16 January 2023.
As US-China rivalry heats up, can Australia defuse the risk of superpower conflict?
As US-China rivalry heats up, can Australia defuse the risk of superpower conflict?
Albanese will need to explain how Australia’s investment in more lethal defence capabilities will make the Indo-Pacific safer – and ensure conflict never occurs. Originally…
China’s reopening, America’s challenge
China’s reopening, America’s challenge
China is likely to emerge from its Covid-19 isolation a more potent competitor for influence in Asia. First published in The Straits Times.
2023 Asia Power Index - Key Findings Report
2023 Asia Power Index - Key Findings Report
In-depth analysis and insight into the changing power distribution in Asia and its geopolitical consequences.
2023 Asia Power Index
2023 Asia Power Index
A comprehensive assessment of the changing distribution of power in Asia, ranking 26 countries and territories through 133 indicators.
Attack shows US can’t take its eyes off Iran
Attack shows US can’t take its eyes off Iran
Originally published in The Australian.