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Geopolitical competition among the larger powers in the Pacific
Geopolitical competition among the larger powers in the Pacific
There is strategic anxiety in both the United States and Australia about China's increasing influence in the Pacific. 
Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism guest editorial
Journal Articles
Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism guest editorial
Special issue on violent extremist risk assessment, arising from a 2021 AVERT Research Network conference, including contributions from Adrian Cherney, Michele Grossman &…
Ali Wyne on great power competition, the United States and China
Ali Wyne on great power competition, the United States and China
What does great power competition mean, and where did the concept come from? In this episode of Rules Based Audio, Ben Scott speaks to author and analyst Ali…
US and Australian development cooperation is underway. What’s the best pathway to impact?
US and Australian development cooperation is underway. What’s the best pathway to impact?
This article originally appeared in Development Intelligence Lab's online blog, The Intel.
If we went to war, our ammo would not last a week
If we went to war, our ammo would not last a week
Originally published in The Australian.
Crumbling cornerstone? Australia’s education ties with Southeast Asia
Policy Briefs
Crumbling cornerstone? Australia’s education ties with Southeast Asia
While Australia regularly cites education as the foundation of Australia’s relationship with Southeast Asia, these connections are weakening, posing a risk to Australia’s…