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The Director’s Chair: General David Petraeus on his career, the Biden administration, and China
The Director’s Chair: General David Petraeus on his career, the Biden administration, and China
In this episode of The Director’s Chair, Michael Fullilove speaks with General David Petraeus who led the 2007 surge in Iraq, headed up the US Central Command, commanded US and…
Navigating a Three-Pronged Crisis
Navigating a Three-Pronged Crisis
This is an edited version of the speech delivered by Hervé Lemahieu to The Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies on 22 December 2020.
Lowy Institute Conversations: The United States and the Rules-Based Order
Lowy Institute Conversations: The United States and the Rules-Based Order
In this episode of Lowy Institute Conversations, Lowy Institute Director of Australia’s Security and the Rules-Based Order project, Ben Scott, sits down with Stacie Goddard and…
Why Biden wants to be more Trump than Obama on China
Why Biden wants to be more Trump than Obama on China
Beijing should expect more policy continuity from Washington. Originally published in Nikkei Asia.
The United States and the Rules‑Based Order
The United States and the Rules‑Based Order
Six experts debate America's approach to the rules-based order.
Australia’s politicians must get to know the neighbours
Australia’s politicians must get to know the neighbours
When other democracies are watching see how we manage China, it is odd that Australia is looking so far away for inspiration. Originally published in The Australian Financial…
Domestic reform key to India’s rise
Domestic reform key to India’s rise
The geoeconomic benefits of working towards more robust growth, both now and in the future, are multiple. Originally published by the Observer Research Foundation.
America’s best chance for unity
America’s best chance for unity
Published on 23 January 2021 in the Australian Financial Review.
We can’t combat China’s ‘grey zone’ war while polarised
We can’t combat China’s ‘grey zone’ war while polarised
Originally published in The Australian.