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In the defining year of his presidency, Joko Widodo faces an incredibly difficult challenge
In the defining year of his presidency, Joko Widodo faces an incredibly difficult challenge
Originally published in the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.
Australia's relationship with China can survive – but it won't be the same again
Australia's relationship with China can survive – but it won't be the same again
There can be no return to the relations of the past. The question for 2021 is how to find a new settling point. Originally published in The Guardian.
Only a resilient democracy could have survived the mob violence
Only a resilient democracy could have survived the mob violence
Originally published in The Australian.
There are reasons to feel OK about 2020, but a long-forgotten worry got worse
There are reasons to feel OK about 2020, but a long-forgotten worry got worse
Originally published in The Sydney Morning Herald.
The Director’s Chair: Biographer Evan Osnos on President-elect Joe Biden.
The Director’s Chair: Biographer Evan Osnos on President-elect Joe Biden.
In this episode of The Director’s Chair, Michael Fullilove speaks with Evan Osnos, the award-winning journalist, author and staff writer for The New Yorker. 
Fighting the dragon: we’re doing it wrong
Fighting the dragon: we’re doing it wrong
As China slowly strangles our exports to break our will, Australians have responded with a range of emotions — none of them effective. Originally published in The Australian.
Australia needs America to follow global rules too
Australia needs America to follow global rules too
Australia's troubles with China won't end until its US ally starts more actively supporting a rules-based world order itself. Originally published in the Australian Financial…
COVIDcast: 2020 Asia Power Index
COVIDcast: 2020 Asia Power Index
In this episode of COVIDcast, Sam Roggeveen, Director of the Lowy Institute’s International Security Program, sits down with the two leading researchers behind the Lowy Institute…
Why Australia Should Respond to China’s Provocations With Self-Reliance
Why Australia Should Respond to China’s Provocations With Self-Reliance
Originally published in World Politics Review.