- The Washington Post reports on research from Uganda into a government program that may be one of the most effective and affordable ways to combat deforestation in a country that has some of the fastest tree loss rates in the world.
- NPR’s Tiny Spark podcast has an excellent conversation with Laura Sullivan who exposed massive waste and inefficiency in the Red Cross.
- David Evans has written an in depth set of links on recent research into education systems in developing nations.
- The US Congress has approved the Foreign Aid Transparency and Accountability Act, which was introduced more than five years ago. Devex has a good summary of what this means for US foreign aid.
- Robin Davies details the various aid transparency portals that are available out there, and what gaps remain. Anthony Swan writes about the importance of data in development policymaking more broadly.
- Here in Australia, the Coalition has finally declared victory but the new government will have a very fractured upper house. Ashlee Betteridge outlines the views on aid held by some of those who will be sit on the crossbenches.
- The Centre for Global Development has an interesting panel discussion on what tomorrow’s aid agencies should look like:
Aid & development links: Red Cross waste, new US law, fuure aid agencies and more
Published 11 Jul 2016
Follow @jonathan_pryke
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