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Public holiday: Australia Day
Public holiday: Australia Day
Monday is a public holiday for Australia Day, and posting will be light on The Interpreter. Normal publishing will resume on Tuesday.   Photo via Twitter user…
Book Review: the Clinton fiction
Book Review: the Clinton fiction
Review: The President is Missing, by Bill Clinton and James Patterson (Aldred A. Knopf, 2018) Former US President Bill Clinton is a man of singular gifts – a highly…
Book review: Protecting the international order from Trump trauma
Book review: Protecting the international order from Trump trauma
Book review: America vs the West, by Kori Schake (Lowy Institute Paper, Penguin, 2018) In a chaotic spectacle that is shaking the world, the Trump administration is…
Book review: Grappling with the legacy of Barack Obama
Book review: Grappling with the legacy of Barack Obama
Book review: The World as It Is: Inside the Obama White House, by Ben Rhodes (Random House, 2018). The slew of books that find their way to the shelves once a president has…
We’re having a break: light publishing over the New Year
We’re having a break: light publishing over the New Year
Summertime in Australia! It’s been a fascinating year and The Interpreter will be publishing a series in the coming fortnight highlighting some of our best articles from 2018. We…
The new US Africa strategy is not about Africa. It’s about China
The new US Africa strategy is not about Africa. It’s about China
President Donald Trump’s national security advisor John Bolton outlined the US administration’s new Africa strategy in a speech last week at the Heritage Foundation, a…
America builds on development aid
America builds on development aid
In the biggest reform of US foreign aid policy in recent history, the US Senate this month passed the Better Utilization of Investment Leading to Development, or the BUILD…
China’s aid: the image boost
China’s aid: the image boost
Mounting accusations of Chinese debt traps, trade imbalances, and neocolonialism in Africa made for a heady backdrop to this month’s meeting of the Forum on China-Africa…
China’s arms trade: a rival for global influence? 
China’s arms trade: a rival for global influence? 
Against the backdrop of the recent China-Africa Defence and Security Forum, numerous articles have been written questioning the rationale behind the conference and the…
A life in fear: violence against adolescent girls
A life in fear: violence against adolescent girls
The escalating violence by Boko Haram in Nigeria in 2014 sparked widespread international condemnation, but the fighting triggered a regional crisis in neighbouring countries of…