Uncategorised and other

South China Sea: A course-correction needed
Tuesday's South China Sea adjudication demonstrates that the UNCLOS framework is totally unsuited to sorting out the complex conflicting claims in the South China Sea in a way…
Advantage Vietnam: The PCA ruling impact on Hanoi-Beijing relations
China and Vietnam have reacted very differently to the Permanent Court of Arbitration ruling on the South China Sea. While China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has declared the PCA…
The bolt from The Hague
The bolt from The Hague
Yesterday’s unanimous Award by the five-member tribunal of the Permanent Court of Arbitration was three years in the making, but for the Philippines it was worth the wait. Of the…
Economic risks of Brexit are big but unclear
Economic risks of Brexit are big but unclear
Originally published in the Nikkei Asian Review.Stephen Grenville
How we got tangled up in US dollar politics
How we got tangled up in US dollar politics
This piece was originally published in the Australian Financial Review Leon Berkelmans
The future of Papua New Guinea: Old challenges for new leaders
The future of Papua New Guinea: Old challenges for new leaders
Papua New Guinea’s next generation of leaders should take a new approach in seeking to turn around negative trends in law and order, education, and health. Emerging leaders could…
Joko Widodo's Indonesia: Control and reform
Journal Articles
Joko Widodo's Indonesia: Control and reform
In this paper for The Economist Intelligence Unit's Hopes and doubts: Perspectives on the long road to Indonesia' economic development, Aaron L Connelly examines…
How Australia can use economic diplomacy to get closer to Asia
There is more to be said about Martin Parkinson's speech on US economic diplomacy, and in particular how Australian attention has been diverted from the challenge of developing…
Much at stake for Turnbull and the region at East Asia Summit
The 10th East Asia Summit this weekend promises to be one of the most interesting bits of summitry in some time. This, the last stop on Malcolm Turnbull’s five-nation tour which…
Why Australia must send its navy to assert the freedom to operate in the South China Sea
After much internal debate and soul searching, the US has conducted its first 'Freedom of Navigation' operation in the South China Sea for several years. It will not be the last…