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The TPP is not a containment strategy
Is the TPP an effort to contain China? If you've been reading the papers or glancing at social media recently, you could be forgiven for thinking so. The New York Times didn't…
Malabar: Modi Government misses an opportunity as annual exercise slumps
US-India relations are in good shape. The personal relationship between Modi and Obama appears excellent, there are big, ambitious ideas in the pipeline – like US assistance to…
Xi in America: China's poor grasp of public diplomacy on full display
Having a Catholic Pope and the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China descend on Washington at almost exactly the same time helped illustrate something important about…
Opinion piece in Foreign Policy: What to expect from Malcolm Turnbull
Opinion piece in Foreign Policy: What to expect from Malcolm Turnbull
Alex Oliver looks at the foreign policy issues which may test Australia's new Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull.Click here for the online text.Alex Oliver
As China marches forward, Japan and Russia watch with worry
Just one day after China's V-Day parade was held under auspiciously azure skies, smog rolled back over Beijing, as if a reminder of the evanescence of great power. George Orwell…
Asian financial markets should keep calm and carry on
Asian financial markets should keep calm and carry on
Asian financial markets should keep calm and carry onStephen GrenvilleNikkei Report15 September 2015Click here for the online text.Stephen Grenville
It’s time to consider negative interest rates to bolster growth
It’s time to consider negative interest rates to bolster growth
It’s time to consider negative interest rates to bolster growthLeon Berkelmans  The Australian12 September 2015 Leon Berkelmans
The G20 and the Future of International Economic Governance
The G20 and the Future of International Economic Governance
The G20 has become a key international forum since it was set up in 1999. When Australia began its presidency of the 2014 summit in Brisbane, many commentators suggested that…
Reflections on the 2015 Lowy Lecture: Greater Asia
Delivering the 2015 Lowy Lecture in Sydney yesterday, General David Petraeus outlined a thought-provoking grand strategy for 'Greater Asia'.  Geographically, Petraeus defines…
Hegemon: Wargaming the South China Sea
Hegemon is a wickedly interactive multi-player/multi-round geostrategic game devised by the Potomac Foundation. Each player represents a country, fielding certain economic and…