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India's subtle China strategy
India's subtle China strategy
In this article for The National Interest, Danielle Rajendram argues that India deserves more credit for the way it has managed its relations with China in the face of…
Monday links: Central Asia, F-35, Jakarta public transport, G20, Azerbaijan and more
Not an Onion headline: Azerbaijan released election results before voting had even started. (Thanks Fergus.) Are developing countries de-industrialising too early? Julia Gillard…
Monday links: Shutdown, TPP, competing norms, Rouhani tweets and more
Why is the norm against chemical weapons use so much stronger than the one against targeting civilians? Ten trends you haven't heard about that are reshaping the global economy…
Tuesday links: Syria CW, PNG mine, Merkel, Google, US shutdown and more
Dan Drezner says there's a good Tom Friedman column about Syria inside this really bad one. Another bout of brinkmanship from the US Senate. A government shutdown would be an…
Christopher Koch, 1932-2013: A literary guide to Asia
The death yesterday of Christopher Koch at the age of 81 marks the end of a distinguished literary career. Twice winner of the Miles Franklin Award, Koch's work as a writer…
Andrew Michelmore: Understanding China's SOEs
Eva O’Dea is a Research Associate in the Lowy Institute’s East Asia Program. [vimeo:74898152] Australia needs to better understand Chinese state owned enterprises (SOEs),…
Views across the Pacific: Change in Myanmar
Although still not a democracy, Myanmar has been the standout case of political change in Southeast Asia over the past two years. In this new video, the third in the 'Views Across…
Development links: Australian aid cuts, G20, happiness economics and more
 The big aid news from Australia was the 5 September announcement by the LNP Coalition (now the incoming government) of cuts to growth in the aid program. Early analysis of the…
Movie trailer: The Railway Man
The Railway Man is the story of a former British POW who tracks down the Japanese officer who tortured him. It's a moving trailer on a subject that could hardly be more relevant…
The flaw in Obama's Syria plan
[youtube:y52LeaK6tHA#t=11] President Obama's address to the nation today included an explicit assurance against any escalation beyond targeted strikes that would punish the Assad…